January 3

My Day

Dear Diary! Today was a long day (or short – depending on how you look at it). I woke up, ate breakfast and headed to uni. I arrived at 10am. There, I met with a friend, and we solved AM-exams for the whole day.

I stayed until quarter to 7, and then went straight to volleyball practice. There were only 5 players, but considering this, it was a really good practice session.

After volleyball, I went home (whaaa), but since in the morning, I went straight to uni, and then straight to volleyball, I got to another train station. (Nearest to my home.) So I had to walk like 20min to the other train station, got my bicycle and then drove home.

At home, I ate a some dinner, and now I’m chilling on my pc and writing (to) you.

That’s all from me today. I am tired and am going to bed soon. Tomorrow I’ll head to uni again. Until then! Bye-Bye!


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