What a Lasagna

Dear Diary! I don’t know, how to start a day in the diary. So for now, I just do it with a plain old “Dear Diary”. Maybe, someday I’ll find something better. I sure hope I do!

My Day

Anyway. What’s happened today? Nothing much. I woke up, ate, and started to learn. Also, yesterday I felt kinda down, so I didn’t feel like writing with my friends – or anyone else for that matter. This also meant, that today I had lots of messages to answer.

Kitchen Stories

Today, I wanted to cook a Lasagna. (I have to cook like once a week as chores for my family.) I prepared, as I usually do, and took some meat out of the freezer. And wouldn’t you know it? Already the first problem. Not enough meat. Given that it’s the 2nd of January, almost every store is closed (since it’s a holiday where I live). What a nuisance. Now I had to go an extra mile just for a little more meat… At least I could go with my brother. Shared sorrow is half sorrow – I guess(?).We arrived at the store, entered and took a good look at the meat-section. Shit! No ground beef here. What do we do now? Turns out, they had meatballs. It’s not the best, but better than no meat at all. Well then: Meatballs, it is.

Later in the afternoon, I started with cooking with my sister. We made a deal, that if she helped me with the Béchamel sauce, I’d make the rest of the Lasagna. While she started on the Béchamel, I was cutting onions, carrots and then started with the Bolognese. I smashed the meatballs, so there were no meatballs in the sauce, but yeah. More damage control than anything else. It’s definitely not the best combo, I tell you that. 30-45 minutes later, both sauces were finished and ready to be packed.

Now we gotta layer the Lasagna, put it in the oven, and then eat; finally. We only need some Lasagna pasta (the hard part between the layers). OH NO. It’s a disaster. We searched everywhere, but there were none… What do we do now?

On a separate, but unrelated note: It turns out, Spaghetti with 2 sauces is also pretty nice. It’s almost like a real Lasagna. But you can’t always have what you want; C’est la vie

Well. I guess I’m not going to be a Chef. Eh – not too sad about that. I have better qualities anyway

That’s it for today. Sadly, I don’t have more to tell you. But I’ll see you tomorrow. Good night!


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