February 10

My Day

Dear Diary! Today I didn’t set an alarm for the last time this week. My big-brain plan is, that: Since my sleep-schedule is trashy anyway, I get a lot of rest today because in the next three days, I have exams in the morning. This way, I might not be complete sleep deprived for the whole week, but only like the last (two) days.

Anyway, after getting up, I ate Lunch and then headed to the university to study. It was not the most efficient day, but I guess that’s fine. I still got some exercises done.

I got home at about half past 7, and cooked myself some dinner. I had a Rösti with bacon.

After that, I studied some more, and had some (shortish) YouTube breaks. It worked out pretty well, since I’m not to fund of studying anyway.

Why does studying algebra make me think about my ex?

While studying at home, I had the realization, that studying algebra makes me think about my ex. I don’t know why that is… I just wanted to tell you that. I don’t know why my mind often wanders to that, but yeah. Maybe, I’m just biased, since I often think about other things, and this is just something, I notice better(?)/ more.

It’s mostly just some random things we did together, or some memories of our vacation in Tenerife. Always some “good” memories, which then make me feel somewhat sad. But not as sad, as they used to.

Anyway. That’s all for today. I go to sleep now, (maybe study some more flashcards) and I’ll talk to you again tomorrow! Bye-Bye!


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