February 26

My Day

Dear Diary! Today, I got up at! Yey, one step better than yesterday already! I then made myself ready, and went to uni.
For some odd reason, we have to hand in our “homework” on paper, and since our printer at home didn’t work today, I had to copy all my notes from my iPad to paper. Really cool – mhm…
By coincidence I met Louis at the train station, but since I had to copy my “homework”, I couldn’t even talk to him.

Once I was in uni, the lecture only took one hour. I thought it’s gonna be 2. But the second hour was a question/answer hour for students with the assistants. So this didn’t really help me…

Algebra exam review

After this second hour, I could go and take a look at my algebra-exam. (I was a little disappointed, since I only had a 4.5.) Turns out, I don’t really understand what they don’t like. Some mistakes were clear, but others not so much. And annoyingly, they didn’t have notes on the exams – so you would have to ask the assistants. What a bother, am I right?
(One annoying mistake of mine was, that I mistakenly used the same variable for different things. Which then makes it seem wrong…)

Home Again

After all that, I went home and made myself some lunch. I had some sandwiches – nothing too special. And after those, I did the classic, and ate a piece of bread with olive oil and salt. Really delicious!

Then, in the afternoon, I was somewhat tired, so I watched some YouTube. After some time of doing that, I read a lecture of measure theory and made some flashcards. Also, I found out, that they publish the solutions of the “homework”, which s really practical. (At least it seems that way to me.)


After an afternoon doing that, I had dinner and then headed to volleyball practice. It was not really a good training… We just played a little, and left pretty soon. (Also, we were only 7 players – including me…)

After that, we went to shower (like you do) and since only 3/8 showers work in our changing-room, I went over to the women’s changing-room1 to see if those work better. And as a matter of fact, they do! They even have a better floor than the men’s shower. So I showered over there.

Back home again – Problem with Replying

Once I got back home, I watched some YouTube and made myself ready for bed. (Also, I changed my bed-sheets just before!) Now I’m writing you. But I still have one small task left. That is: Emiliana and I exchanged some texts, but now I don’t know what to reply.

The last relevant part of the conversation is this:
* Her: I see, you got up early2
* Me: What can I say? The early bird catches the worm 🪱
* Her: I think so as well 😂😂

Now what do you reply to this?? Hello?

I think, I make an elephant out of a worm here (pun – haha), so yeah. It’s not like it’s gonna change anything…

Well, I guess, I’ll figure it out anyway. For now, I’m going to bed. I’ll see you again tomorrow! Bye-Bye!

I just changed all names (which I quickly found) with hypothetical ones. So now, it’s one more step anonymous (especially for them) and I can write names out now, so it’s easier to understand what I mean.

  1. For obvious reasons it was empty, which I knew. ↩︎
  2. Which is funny, since she got up like 3 hours before me. ↩︎


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