Dear Diary! From now on, I won’t usually make my daily-doings spell out as precise as I used to. Rather, bullet-point wise. But if I don’t have anything other to tell, I’ll keep it in a more fancy way.
My Day
Nearly overslept -> brush teeth & leave without breakfast
TA business at university, I was asked one question, which I couldn’t answer good, so they asked another TA the same thing… (feels bad man)
Going home -> cook lunch
Afternoon: spend most time correcting the hand in’s from students, and spend some time on YouTube
Finish correcting just in time for dinner – nice!
After dinner, go to the nearest grocery store with my brother -> he drives and parks using like 3 parking spaces – funny haha (it was like 15 min before the store closes -> like 2 people there)
waste some time on YouTube -> shower -> now I’m writing you
Update from yesterday
I said, that I have to text Emiliana back. Once I got to bed, I fell asleep way too fast, so I didn’t answer her (haha). So this morning I just wrote back a ghost-me-response “This is literally me every morning mhm” and then a gif of a chicken catching a worm. And so on.
Long story short. I’m in a similar position as yesterday evening. Except, it’s a different message now haha…
Feelings & Thoughts
Thinking about Ex
Today, I was thinking more about my ex than usual. Well; more is not exactly true. It was more like: Not as often, but the memories were more painful. You get me?
But overall, in the last few days, I feel as if I spent less time thinking about her. Which is a good sign. (I have the suspicion, it’s because I was in contact with my (kinda) crush. Because now, I’m like moving towards something instead of just away from something. But who knows…)
Purpose of Life
Today, by sheer coincidence, I saw a video, in which a “modern”-person asked a person from a hunter-gatherer tribe: “What’s the purpose of life?” This hunter then replied with: “Meat! Meat and Honey!”
And I gotta say, it’s rather obvious when you think about it. (It’s like “food important”.)
Now, why do I tell you this? Lately, I’ve been thinking, to figure the “purpose of life” out, you’d have to live like the people from back in the day. Because they didn’t ask themself this. (So they knew the answer.)
But now, I’m not so sure anymore. So, do I still want to do my 2 weeks without electricity? Probably yes. I still think it’s gonna be a good experience. But we’ll see. It most probably won’t answer any questions like this…
That’s all for today. I’ll see you again tomorrow! Bye-Bye!
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