My Day
Dear Diary! Today hardly anything happened. The only special thing was, that I cooked dinner. I made Spaghetti Bolognese. It was good but not special.
Volleyball – no no no
After dinner, I had volleyball practice. Since, today we weren’t that many people, and we had a game yesterday, and tomorrow again, we actually didn’t do any volleyball. At first, we thought we’d use the trampolines. So we brought out the big mat with trampolines. This only used about 5 minutes, and then we decided on a new game.
We started with Badminton. Now, since the group before us, didn’t remove the volleyball-net, we didn’t have to setup a net for this. But from before we had 2 big mats laying around, which we could jump on. We then played a weird little variation of Badminton, where we have 3 touches per team. This was really fun. One player tried to jump on a mat, every time he played the shuttle – which was quite funny. (But not if you tell it like that…)
After that, we played a variation of baseball. One player had a unlucky time, since one time, he had the bat thrown into his balls, and then like 5 minutes later, he got a headshot, after I hit the ball. Luckily it was only a softball. But still.
After all that, we cleared away all the things we needed, and then went home.
Going Home
In the trainride home, a homeless guy started to talk with Daniel and me. Then I realized, it’s quite bad to be homeless. Not only because you don’t have a place to stay, but also since no-one wants to speak with you… So note to myself: don’t become homeless.
(Well yes, I talked with him a little, but only dumb things. Like, he was complaining, that the train was staying (as it should, since it was early) and then I said some things like: “Yeah – we would be there quicker if it moved already” or so. But this is not really a conversation…)
Beautiful Night Sky
Then after I left the train, I had to cycle a bit. And let me tell you: The stars were beautiful today. I even stopped for a short time, to really appreciate it. It was really stunning! I don’t even remember, when I saw this many stars for the last time.
Back at home, I just watched some YouTube, and now I’m going to sleep. I’ve almost got a normal sleep-schedule back. (Right now is 1:30 am which is like 2.5 hours earlier than 1-2 weeks ago.)
Crush somehow not attractive anymore??
Now this is something weird. Confession: I don’t find my crush particularly attractive (right now). This is really weird, since objectively speaking, she’s one of the 3 hottest women I’ve ever talked to / seen. But still. When I look at her, it’s not like: “WOW”. It’s more like I see her bad features (however little there might be). I don’t really know, why I do this… It’s just weird…
One small (but kinda weird) suspicion is the following: If I imagine women having sex with a man, this instantly makes them less attractive. Obviously. Now, I don’t really do this – but still. Since she has a boyfriend, this particularly makes her less attractive. (Of course, having a boyfriend, is kinda a turn off anyway, but you know what I mean.)
So that is something weird, I just wanted to say.
With that all done: That’s all for today. I’ll see you again tomorrow! Bye-Bye!
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