March 9

My Day

Dear Diary! I woke up at like 10am. It was a sunny day. Not as good as yesterday, but certainly better than the whole last week. So, of course, I stayed in my room. I did some studying (since I didn’t finish my coding exercises yesterday) and then took a shower (since I didn’t take one yesterday) and then it was already time for lunch.

Today, we celebrated my sister’s (Sara) birthday. Since she doesn’t live with our parents anymore, but we have a big house, she invited some friends and family over to our house. Lot’s of people… Too much for my taste.

Playing Kubb

Totally not stock-photo of Kubb

My foster brother (Jerry) and his girlfriend also came (not that surprising – I know). But after lunch (we had lasagna) Jerry, his girlfriend, Sara’s husband and I played Kubb. (This game, where you throw sticks, and try to hit the other persons wooden blocks.)
We won the first round in like 5 minutes. Then, the 2nd round took like 45 min. My team was losing at the time, but Jerry (mistakenly) threw one block at the king -> he fell over -> we won. Was quite funny, since they’ve already had 8 (legit) shots at the king, but missed every time.
After these two games, my brother (Jordan) joined as well (and my sister husband left). it was crazy, he hit almost every shot. So I, playing with Jerry’s girlfriend, lost 2 quick rounds.

After all this gaming, we had dessert, and (since some small children were over) we played some children’s games with them. But not long there after, I had enough so I went back to my room, and finished my studies…

Too much People

From then on, nothing that important happened anymore. I watched some YouTube, and had dinner. That’s about all. Shortly, I’m gonna hand in my exercises which I solved today, and then I’m gonna go to bed.

Feeling Content(?)

Interestingly enough, it didn’t feel as if I didn’t do anything today, even tough I didn’t really do that much. Weird how all that works.

That’s all for today. I’ll see you again tomorrow! Bye-Bye!

Ah, I nearly forgot to tell you: Yesterday, I decided, that I would not eat anything anymore, which comes out of the amazon rain forest (or where it used to be), since I don’t find this cool – all this deforestation. To say it in the weakest possible terms.
Anyway; see you tomorrow!


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