January 5

My Day

Dear Diary! Today was not an eventful day. My morning was as usual. In the afternoon a friend of mine asked me to play some Trackmaina (racing game) which I agreed to. At first, I told him, that I’d quit at around 3:30pm to go to the gym. But then, I hadn’t achieved the time I desired (in game – I was too slow) and my gym schedule got shifted back like 15 minutes. Some time later I got it, changed, went to the toilet, and then I realized, it was already too late. My gym closes at 4pm (on Sundays) so I wouldn’t make it in time anymore.

Then I called the same friend again. We both have some friends in common, which sent us Christmas-cards some time ago. Both of us are somewhat (really) lazy, so I knew, ha hadn’t answered them [haha].
We then wrote 2 cards back together. One card was a serious one, with a good picture of us. The other one, was a joke card, where we put distorted pictures of them and wrote silly jokes on the back. I’m curious, what they’ll say, once they get the cards.

Later, for dinner, I had potatoes. Since I don’t like potatoes just as they are, I usually put some dressing and cheese on top of them, and then make a potato salad out of them. Completely different meal.

After dinner I was studying for some more (but not as much as I had hoped). I still got quite far. I also calculated, that if I can do a weeks work in two days, I’ll be finished at the right time.

That’s about it. Not much more happened… In the next few days it’ll be about like that. So I think I’ll start to read the “Tao Te Ching” soon, so I have something to talk about. With that being said.

Good Night!


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