January 7

My Day

Dear Diary! Today was an even less spectacular day than yesterday. Basically, I woke up, ate lunch, watched some episodes of “The Mentalist” and studied, ate dinner, studied some more, and watched some more of “The Mentalist”.

In my honest opinion, I think I’m kinda addicted to watching series. Or rather, to not studying. I know, maybe I have just some bad discipline, but it’s concerning me a little. Today, I didn’t do as much as I wanted to, but hey, there’s always a tomorrow.

I started with a special way of studying and watching at the same time. As we know, I have to learn some definitions and “sentences”/ lemmas and I’m trying to remember them with flash cards. So I started with the scheme, where: Any time, there’s a time-jump in the show, I have to repeat like 7 flashcards. And I gotta say, there area a lot of these time-jumps.

Also, Sometimes, I feel as if I don’t make any progress whilst learning my definitions. But when I see the good colors on “anki.com” I get a little dopamine. And that’s good. (Speaking like an addict. haha)

More Thinking about You

I had one more Idea, of how to write it, so it would be interesting to read.

Idea 3: Progress updates
This would be, I try to change something about me, or pursue a goal, on which I then daily report. Now, while writing this, I realized, that it would have to be something, which I can do daily, otherwise a diary would not make too much sense.

The bad part about idea 3 is, that I don’t know, what I would change about myself… But Who knows, maybe I find something soon…

So for now, I guess, I still do (try to do) an approach of idea 2 (feelings and thoughts based).

Confessions from Yesterday

Yesterday, I said, that I would write more about my feelings and/or thoughts. Point being: I did not do that yesterday… which is kinda ironic.

Yesterday I was feeling kinda down. Lately I was feeling down a lot. Most of the time it’s not the worst. It’s mostly like, I’m not motivated to do anything. Like anything at all. For example, when I’m asked, if I want to go out with my friends, I don’t want to. On an unrelated note, I thought, I should drink less, so that’s not too bad… But my not-drinking is for the wrong reason, which in turn makes it also somewhat not-good…

I don’t really know why this is… I suspect, it’s (at least partly) because it’s winter, hence less sun, which is always kinda depressing. Also, since I’m studying a lot, I spend a lot of time alone. Which is always kinda lonely. Now don’t get me wrong. I don’t really mind, to spend a lot of time alone. But there’s a limit; obviously.

Usually, I can figure out how my mood is, from observing, what music I listen to. Right now, it’s quite uplifting, so It’s not too bad. And the days are getting longer again, meaning: Summer is coming!

Good night

Now that’s a depressing note for the end of this day. But I don’t really have anything uplifting up my sleeve. So

Don’t be too sad, and I’ll see you tomorrow!


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