My Day
Dear Diary! Today was the second day of correcting the exam of my children. For that, I woke up at 8:15 and then headed to the university. I had breakfast on my way there (some chocolate bread and a croissant). Once I arrived there, I corrected for about the whole day. Of course I had lunch in the middle, and then some more correcting in the afternoon.
We finished at around 6pm. My progress this far is: 1/3 is finished (4/6 – which is my part), and on the next third I’m like half way through with 1/2 exercises which I have to correct. This means about 5.5/16 of the way. Of course, for the second round, we correct the other corrections, so it’ll be faster.
Once we finished correcting, I didn’t go home. No no no. I asked a friend (Daniel1 – one of my best friends) to eat out, since we had a coach-meeting from the volleyball club. We had a “Pizza Mamma Mia” which was a usual pizza but with onion, garlic, ham, and salami. It was really good.
Done eating, we walked to the coach-meeting. As expected, the meeting wasn’t really important for me (or him) (because it’s mid season, so there aren’t really any changes to anything), so I mostly just sat there, lost in my thoughts.
Like 1.5 hours into the meeting, I left, since the team I coach had training today. (On Wednesday we train from 9-11 pm.) I arrived at like 10pm for the second half of the training. I instructed some drills, and played with them for the last 30 mins. I wonder how my knees will react to that, since I didn’t really have a (good) warmup.
After the training, we showered and then went home. I arrived at home at like quarter past 12. Then I had a cold chocolate, and went on my PC to relax for a bit. I watched some YouTube, and now I’m writing (to) you.
That’s about my whole day.
How am I doing?
I must say, I feel good. Of course, it’s quite exhausting to correct all day, but since it’s not at home, it just feels better (in a way). I don’t really know how to explain it. You just have to feel it, but work outside of home isn’t really as bad like at home. At least it feels that way.
So to answer the question: I’m doing quite good.
That’s it for today. I see you tomorrow! Bye-Bye!
- I figured, since he will probably be mentioned a lot, I can say his name, to make it more understandable âŠī¸
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