January 25

My Day

Dear Diary! Today started out, as a super unproductive day, but then I got a sudden burst of energy, and turned it all around. Let me explain:

Because I went to bed too late yesterday, I didn’t get up at 9am. Strike 1! Then, when I finally got up, I studied some flashcards for a bit, but wasn’t really motivated, so I stopped shortly after, and booted up YouTube. Strike 2! After I did this, I was caught in the void – as you are, once you open YouTube, or any another social media platform. This means, I did nothing else (except lunch) until like 3pm. Strike 3, 4, …, 13!

Then, I realized, what I’m watching; it’s just not interesting to me – or anyone else, for that matter. I just did it to pass time. Which is quite stupid. Right now especially, since time is not what I have too much of. This thought then gave me a random burst of energy. It was really fascinating. Whenever this happens, I have to (ab)use it. I quickly added YouTube to one of my blocked sites, and started studying.

Then, my studying was quite good. I went over all the AM exercises, uploaded the Algebra-exercises from my iPad to my PC, and then went over those too. This kept me busy until like 9:30pm.

I only had two quick breaks.
1. I got a phone call from my friends, with whom I went to Greek this year (for vacation). Then, after all left, only Daniel and I were left in the call. And out of no where he sent me an invite to Blobby-Volley. (This is some browser game, which is quite funny. At least we think it’s funny…) We then played for two rounds. I even won one round, which usually does not happen.
2. Then my second break was for dinner, which was immediately after the Blobby game. So in reality, I only had one break. But a not-so-short one…

Cutting hair

My brother and I cut each others hair. Today was once again one of those days we did that. It’s always funny, since we both aren’t the best barbers. But that only makes it funnier.

Today we experimented with some new hair-styles for my brother. I think, he should go with a middle parting. He wasn’t that convinced. But trust me, I’m willing to die on that hill. So we’ll see who gets the final saying. After all, I am the one, who cuts his hair.

Today it took us about 2 hours for the cutting. Which is about right. Combined with all the fun we had, it’s always worth.

After the barber quest was over, I had a weird thing with my Achilles tendon (left). For some reason it hurts, if I use it. So just before, I went to the kitchen to make me a sandwich. I have to walk there (obviously), so in order, to not hurt myself, I had to tip-toe over there. I then even had to go to the basement since we were out of Mayonnaise. z z z, always at the worst times…

So just before, I ate my sandwich, and now I’m writing (to) you. Which is basically all that happened today.

Ah! I nearly forgot. I have decided, that I want to keep YouTube in my blocked-sites. So now, that I have told you, I hope, that it helps me, to keep it that way! I’ll tell you tomorrow how it went.

So now that’s all for today. See you tomorrow! Bye-Bye!


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