Author: theJorunicle
March 12
My Day Dear Diary! Today I woke up super early. That is 7:30am, which is 1.5 hours before my alarm. So I then took a look at the clock, went to the toilet, and then back to sleep. For the 2nd time, I got up, when my alarm rung. So at about quarter to 9.…
March 11
My Day Dear Diary! Today, I woke up from a sex dream. Not really surprisingly, in my dream I had sex with my ex. Luckily, I woke up, before I climaxed. So not too bad.“Not surprisingly”: actually, it is quite surprising. Well not too much, since she’s the only one I’ve ever had sex with,…
March 10
My Day Dear Diary! Today, I woke up early, which made me happy. Then, I had a small breakfast (chocolate milk) and watched some LosRatones. So then lunch was just right around the corner. Today, my mom and I were mostly alone, (since we ate late and my brother had to leave early). So I…
March 9
My Day Dear Diary! I woke up at like 10am. It was a sunny day. Not as good as yesterday, but certainly better than the whole last week. So, of course, I stayed in my room. I did some studying (since I didn’t finish my coding exercises yesterday) and then took a shower (since I…
March 8
My Day Dear Diary! Today was nothing special. I was happy, that the sun was shining, but then was only for about 5 minutes outside. Funny how all this works. I started donating to some jungle conservationist. Not a lot, but 25 bucks a month. Which is alright. It also felt, as if I did…
March 7
My Day Dear Diary! Today was weird(?). I hardly did anything… First, I slept too long (until about 10pm). Then I didn’t really do anything. FOR THE WHOLE DAY! Maybe like 30-60 minutes of math, otherwise only YouTube. Deep Research Actually, that’s somewhat a lie… I asked ChatGPT deep research a question. (Some part, to…
March 6
My Day Dear Diary! Yesterday, I forgot to set an alarm. But luckily, I woke up early today. Well; “luckily”: I am trying to adjust my sleep schedule. And it starts to show results! So after getting up, I had a quick breakfast, and then headed to university, since today I had some TA action.…
March 5
My Day Wake up -> Go to university -> Lecture for an hour about complex analysis -> go home -> Lunch In the afternoon, I watched some YouTube videos, but nothing notable. After that, we had a volleyball match – again. The 2nd last of the mixed team. Because of that, I had to leave…
March 4
My Day Dear Diary! Today, I got up, and basically instantly headed to uni. (I had to take a shit, but since the cleaning-lady was over, I went earlier to uni, so I could use the toilets there. haha…) University Today, I had 2 hours of complex analysis lectures. And I gotta say, it was…
March 3
My Day Dear Diary! Today hardly anything happened. The only special thing was, that I cooked dinner. I made Spaghetti Bolognese. It was good but not special. Volleyball – no no no After dinner, I had volleyball practice. Since, today we weren’t that many people, and we had a game yesterday, and tomorrow again, we…