Category: main entries

Imagine it like a book. This is between the prologue, and the epilogue.

  • March 2

    My Day Dear Diary! Today I: Slept late -> Lunch -> Volleyball Volleyball At first, we had mixed match. We played against some other coaches from the club, which was kinda fun, since we both are about the same, so it’s always a long game. In the end, we lost 1:3… It was really weird.…

  • March 1

    My Day Wake up -> Lunch Don’t study like an idiot – YouTube is way better mhm Play Trackmania with Daniel Volleyball Game Going to a volleyball first division females game with Daniel, Leon, Louis, and Emanuel. In the drive there, we were talking at first, but then also singing to some Disney music –…

  • February 28

    My Day Wake up -> go to hospital for routine checkup Basically everything is good. Do a few extra blood test, and I get the results instantly in an app. I think this is really cool! After that go home -> don’t study (smh) but listen to podcasts. really interesting stuff. It’s with Paul Rosolie…

  • February 27

    Dear Diary! From now on, I won’t usually make my daily-doings spell out as precise as I used to. Rather, bullet-point wise. But if I don’t have anything other to tell, I’ll keep it in a more fancy way. My Day Nearly overslept -> brush teeth & leave without breakfast TA business at university, I…

  • February 26

    My Day Dear Diary! Today, I got up at! Yey, one step better than yesterday already! I then made myself ready, and went to uni. For some odd reason, we have to hand in our “homework” on paper, and since our printer at home didn’t work today, I had to copy all my notes from…

  • February 25

    My Day Dear Diary! Today, I initially wanted to go to university to listen to some lectures. Of course, my alarm rang, I thought: “doesn’t hurt, to spend some more time with my eyes closed – I don’t fall asleep anymore.” Little did I know, the next time I took a look at the clock,…

  • February 24

    My Day I slept for long – since yesterday, I fell asleep at like 5:15am. I even heard the first person get up. Too early for that. So I got up at about 11:30am. I only listened to some music and then had Lunch. In the afternoon, I finished some exercises on measure theory and…

  • February 23

    My Day Dear Diary! Today, I woke up with a light headache – not really surprising haha. I initially had planned to study some, but in the end I didn’t do any studying. So I had a chill day. Since I didn’t get a lot of sleep, I took a nap after dinner. Now, that…

  • February 22

    My Day usual morning gym (with louis; meet ellie); feeling weak (since 2nd time gym in 2 weeks) Chilling at home going to yanis – burgers and funny talks– being homeless strats– disappearing as a group of 3 going to look for further bars yanis girlfriend joins it’s late – we move to yanis &…

  • February 21

    My Day Not studying – silly mein the afternoon I (with the huge help of my mom) found my cloths for tomorrow. You’ll see tomorrow why this is important! Drawing In the afternoon, I watched a lot of videos about drawing. Like, what to do and so on. So I probably start doing that soon.…