Category: Diary
This is the main category, where (basically) all of the posts go
January 21
My Day Dear Diary! Today was the first day, that I woke up at the right time. This means, I woke up at like 8:30am (before 9). To my misfortune, our house cleaner was over. This meant, that I couldn’t get up, because: if I get up, I need to use the bathroom, where she…
January 20
My Day Dear Diary! This morning I had a physical therapist appointment. My knees are progressing really good. She told me, that now, I can participate in volleyball trainings for about 15 minutes this week, and every consecutive week 5 minutes more (if my knees don’t get worse). With that basically my whole morning was…
January 19
My Day As I told you yesterday, I set an alarm for 9 o’clock. Today, I didn’t wake up because of the alarm (at lest I believe so). I was awake at 9:30, and then I was too tired to get up, so I just opened a window to get some fresh air, waited for…
January 18
My Day Dear Diary! Today was a uneventful day. At first (yesterday night) I thought I was gonna go watch some ski races with some friends. But then when my alarm rang at like 6am, I had this beer-taste in my mouth, which erased my whole motivation to go out today. Because of that, I…
January 17
My day Dear Diary! For today’s post, I wont prove read, since I’m rally tired, and somewhat intoxicated. What does this mean? The text will probably be less readable and understandable, with more mistakes than usual, but it’s aight for today. So; what happened today? Morning ’till 16:30 was the same way as this week…
January 16
My Day Dear Diary! Today I had a somewhat busy day. As you might know, we (I) are still in the process of correcting the exams. So that’s what I did for the whole day until dinner with a lunch break where I had some curry with rice. The students aren’t really doing that good…
January 15
My Day Dear Diary! Today was the second day of correcting the exam of my children. For that, I woke up at 8:15 and then headed to the university. I had breakfast on my way there (some chocolate bread and a croissant). Once I arrived there, I corrected for about the whole day. Of course…
January 14
My Day Dear Diary! Today was the exam of my children. (Also known as the students which I TA’d.) There were 98 of them. One student was even caught cheating. This student was not in my room, so I didn’t see it happen. When they caught him, they wanted him to show his UNI-ID. He…
January 13
My Day Dear Diary! As announced yesterday, I did have my cheat day today. This means, I hardly did any studying today. What else did I do? Nothing really… I watched some YouTube and some Mentalist. Just about as expected. Tough, after dinner I had to teach some volleyball. The training was neither really good,…
January 12
Dear Diary! Today I had a problem with you. Namely, there is such a thing as the WHOIS-verification. This is the verification, with which they (states I guess) can identify me as the owner of the website. In my case, they needed my email address. Of course, I did it now, when I wanted to…