Category: Diary
This is the main category, where (basically) all of the posts go
January 11
My Day Dear Diary! Today was not a usual day. First I woke up at 10:15. Why at such an early hour? Good question! My family and I were visiting my foster brother. He recently moved in with his girlfriend, and now he/they wanted to show us their apartment. For this occasion, they invited us…
January 10
My Day Dear Diary! Today I woke up, ate lunch and wanted to study. But I couldn’t really focus, so I watched an episode of “The Mentalist”. Or maybe two? We’ll never know for sure. Then when I finally got to studying, it was really hard. Eventually I got it working, and just as it…
January 9
My Day Dear Diary! Today I was feeling good. I don’t know what it was, or why, but it does not really matter. Today was just a good day! I woke up, ate lunch, and started studying. I felt motivated, and knew what I had to do. A new chapter just started (about rings –…
January 8
My Day Dear Diary! Today was not an interesting day again. Usual morning, in the afternoon I was studying, then my mom came in my room and said to me: “We are going to the gym now”. So we went to the gym. In the gym, I didn’t feel so good. I had a new…
January 7
My Day Dear Diary! Today was an even less spectacular day than yesterday. Basically, I woke up, ate lunch, watched some episodes of “The Mentalist” and studied, ate dinner, studied some more, and watched some more of “The Mentalist”. In my honest opinion, I think I’m kinda addicted to watching series. Or rather, to not…
January 6
My Day Dear Diary! My day really starts at lunch, but you know that already, so I won’t write that here. After Lunch, I had an appointment with my physical therapist. I go there, because my knees aren’t as good as I wished. I mean, I always had knee problems (for the first time, when…
January 5
My Day Dear Diary! Today was not an eventful day. My morning was as usual. In the afternoon a friend of mine asked me to play some Trackmaina (racing game) which I agreed to. At first, I told him, that I’d quit at around 3:30pm to go to the gym. But then, I hadn’t achieved…
January 4
My Day Dear Diary! Today my family and I visited one of my mothers best friends. She lives like an hour away from us. She just moved in with a friend of hers and now they share an apartment. I also realized, that women generally have prettier apartments than men [haha]. It was really nicely…
Weird Dreams and Good Food
Dear Diary! I don’t know, what to write here, so … My Day Today was nothing spectacular (mostly). I woke up this morning, at 7am, because I had a nightmare. This was unusual. I don’t really have nightmares.I dreamed, that I was Patrick Jane (from “The Mentalist”) and saw Red John (the main enemy from…
What a Lasagna
Dear Diary! I don’t know, how to start a day in the diary. So for now, I just do it with a plain old “Dear Diary”. Maybe, someday I’ll find something better. I sure hope I do! My Day Anyway. What’s happened today? Nothing much. I woke up, ate, and started to learn. Also, yesterday…