February 12

My Day

Dear Diary! Today was another exam-day. This means, I got up, freshened myself up, and went to uni. I had my exam.

I believe, it went pretty good. One funny little tangent for that: The exam started at 10:30am and we had 1.5h time. I was writing the whole time, and then I once take a look at the clock, and I see, 11:25ish. I think:” Oh shit. Only 5 minutes left.” At this time, I only had one part of an exercise left. So I quickly wrote that down, and then I made my sheets of paper ready, to hand in. Then I take a look at the front, and I see written on the black-board: “End: 12:01”.
So I was 30 min too early done. Apparently, I can’t calculate 10:30 + 1.5h in my head. What a time to be a math student!

Lots of people weren’t really happy with the exam. And I gotta say, I kinda agree with them. The professor told us, there would be a proof from the lectures, one exercise similar to the ones we solved, and one new exercise. But none of these were in the exam. Also, they gave us a sheet, with “recommended topics”. Funnily enough, the exam had things in it, with topics not on that sheet. So that’s some not-so-funny shenanigans of him…

After the exam, we had lunch. I had some Polenta with meatballs and a mustard sauce. It was really good. Then, we had the usual geoguessr game. We played for 3 rounds, and I think I’m improving slowly. Out of the three rounds, I was last only twice. The “outlier”-run I was 3rd (out of like 10). I guess, it was my lucky day!

In the afternoon, I spent some time with my new friends there, and we studied for the ODE exam tomorrow. Today I went home earlier (that is at like 4:30pm) because I was too tired, and we didn’t really study that efficient. Who could have expected that?!

At home, I spent some time to relax until dinner. Once, I took a quick look outside my window, and then I saw the full moon staring at me. Right through a hole in the clouds. It was fancy looking. I tried to take a picture of it, but of course, with my phone, this didn’t really turn out good.

For dinner we had some rice with a tomato-like sauce. After dinner, I watched some more YouTube, and then I went back to studying. I solved one equation of each type, so I’m ready for tomorrow.

In between my studying, my brother came to my room to ask, if he should quit the army and do some “civi-service” instead. Since he could stay home the whole week (because of sick – doctors note) they asked him, if he wants to continue. So now, he will continue for (I think) at least three weeks. But he doesn’t really cares anymore, if they want to keep him or not, so he can just start a lot of tomfoolery.
He wasn’t really sure with any decision, since both options suck. In the military, he’s no longer with the same platoon, and the “civil-service” takes 1.5 times the amount of time. So it’s basically the choice between Pest and Cholera.

Anyway. After some studying, I also did one old exam, then I showered, and now I’m writing (to) you. That’s all for today. I’ll talk to you again tomorrow! Bye-Bye!


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