My Day
Dear Diary! Today was my last exam-day. With my “bad”-luck, the exam was at 8am. So that means, I had to go on the train at like 7:15 and therefore get up at like 6:30 (since I don’t want to be tired for the exam, and need some wake-up time).
So I got up, went to my uni, and wrote my exam. I was even so early, that the store, where I usually buy my breakfast, hadn’t opened yet. So I just had a strawberry for breakfast (and a glass of chocolate-milk).
The exam didn’t really go according to plan. To be honest: I expect like a 3 which would be a fail. But to play devils-advocate (my-advocate) the exam was longer than usual (6 instead of 4-5 questions) and the questions were harder than usual. (“harder than usual is easy to sad, but Yesterday evening I solved the exam of last year, and I didn’t really have any problem solving it. But today was hard hard. Like some “hard” integrals…)
Then, after the exam I quickly talked with my friends, and we found out, that in the exercise, where we had to find the eignvalues of a 3×3 matrix, all of us had different results.
Other than that, I don’t really know, if I answered the exam-questions correctly, but yeah. We’ll see, once I get my grade. (I don’t expect good.)
I then went home. At home, I relaxed. (Basically most of the day.) In the afternoon I went to the gym with Jan. We mostly did different exercise, but in the end, we did sitting bicep curls together. Together, it’s always fun. Currently I’m stronger than him. (His max is like 4.5 bad my max is 10 – however unimportant that may be.)
After the gym, I went home, and spent some time on Twitch, since I wanted to re-watch a VOD of Spammiej. During my rewatch, I (nearly) fell asleep for like one hour, since I was really tired, and this wasn’t exactly the most interesting thing to watch.
Then, when I “got up” from a nap, while watching Twitch, I took a look at my phone, and it was like 5pm, and my friends wrote, that we’ll meet at 6pm. So I took a shower, and got ready to leave.
My friends and I went to the local Pub, and had a few drinks. (The “excuse” was, that we drink, since my exams are over.) While there, we talked about a few things. Mainly:
– We secured a date for Pete
– Visas (specifically England, since Brexit)
– A lot about the female we “secured” for Pete (and how he should “behave” on his date)
– I told them, that I have my diary online, but didn’t tell them the URL.
and so on. So just like a normal evening in the local Pub.
I got home at like midnight. Then I ate some bread with olive-oil and salt. (This is really good. Put some olive-oil on a plate, some salt in it and then dip the bread in it. Tastes really good.) Once I was done with that, I brushed my teeth, and now I’m writing (to) you!
So that’s all for today. I’ll talk to you again tomorrow! Bye-Bye!
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