February 15

My Day

Dear Diary! Today was my “chill”-day. I did not do anything. I spent the whole day today relaxing and watching some stuff on my PC. Daniel and another friend asked me, if I wanted to go watch a volleyball game with them, but I declined. Other than that, not really a lot happened.

My brother cooked dinner, so then we had Fajitas. It was really good.
(I forgot if I already mentioned this, but he quit the army, so he can stay at home for now. Well, technically he’s still sick with a doctors note, but yeah.)

I also had the realization, that I watched quite a lot of “random”-interesting videos on YouTube.
One other niche thing I watched a lot was about nature preservation. I don’t know why this fascinates me so much. I also found out, that I find it really sad, how nature is treated. Like for example, that a lot of animals were hunted and are now close to extinction. (For example, bisons – both in north America and Europe; hammer sharks; and so on)

That’s basically all for today. I’ll see you again tomorrow. Bye-Bye!

P.S. I forgot to mention. I also thought a bit about a thing, a friend told me. That is: He had a girlfriend like 4 years ago, broke up with her, and now has a new girlfriend (for about 2 years now). We were talking about, if I’m looking out for a new girlfriend, and then it came up, that he’s not really over this old relationship. Now for me that was a shocker. Isn’t it “normal” (or at least better looked at) that you first get over your last partner and then search a new partner?

At least in my head it is like this. If you know that, write a comment!

Anyway, he told me, that some day I’d wake up, and then I feel like getting a girlfriend. And I do trust him. Just sayin!

Now that’s all. Cya!


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