February 28

My Day

Wake up -> go to hospital for routine checkup

Basically everything is good. Do a few extra blood test, and I get the results instantly in an app. I think this is really cool!

After that go home -> don’t study (smh) but listen to podcasts.
really interesting stuff. It’s with Paul Rosolie who is an rain forest conservationist. He’s a really good story telling. Some stories about living in the jungle, hunting, living, medicine, animals, connection to all, deforestation, conservation projects, and so on and so forth.

After listening to that, I felt a bit silly, since I’m at home, basically doing nothing, and he’s just out there living. (Basically what I was writing about maybe doing – which he is right now.)

That’s basically all that happened today. I spent like 10 hours listening to podcasts with this guy. He has some interesting things to say. But what I (try to) remember is, that we should just leave it all alone. No forestation; no gold mining; No contact to these u contacted tribes; “sustainable food from rain forests” which are sold in stores, are all fake -> cause deforestation (like 40% of deforestation is for food for humans). And most importantly, the cause is (mostly) money. WHAAATTT?? yeah….

What am I gonna do?

So now I feel a bit silly, and I was even thinking of doing some project like this myself. But then I think:” The way I could help most, is by making a good wage, and spending it.” Which I (maybe) am gonna do. At least, this is more likely than me starting a big project like this.

Also, when thinking about starting my own conservation program, I made a little plan for myself. Mostly, what I would have to do. This is, making sure, that the “ecosystem engineers”-animals can roam free and do whatever it is that they do. I think this would be the easiest way, to help for a lot of things. Basically you get these workers for free. So you only have to do half the job. (At least in my ideal world it would work like that.)

So my road map would be:
1. Protect these animals
2. Make sure that they reproduce and grow their population
3. Let them do the work

Yeah, this is my plan. Feel free to support me! mhm.

Seeing Myself in a Video

On a separate but unrelated note: I also saw a video called, “Casually Explained: The Political Compass“. And as silly as it may sound, I’ve seen myself in this video extremely often in the lib-left category. Only because of what I’ve written about in my diary about the purpose of life. Which I thought was kinda interesting to see.
Maybe, it’s because, in an ideal world, we could all just be “happy and live together in harmony” but sadly it’s not an ideal world. So it doesn’t work like that…

Otherwise, I listened a lot to the song “Mon Bebe” by KiDi. (Just as a quick mention.)

Time for Bed

That’s all for today. I’m gonna take a shower now, and then I’ll see you tomorrow! Bye-Bye!


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