My Day
Dear Diary! Today, I stayed at home, to study for the Algebra exam. At first, it went really good. I solved one exam, which I gotta say, was really easy. So I thought, now I am ready for the test. Then I looked at another exam, and, let me tell you, if I had this exam, I would not pass. So I have somewhat mixed feelings about my Algebra exam. My plan now is, that I stay at home tomorrow, and study some more Algebra, and then go to uni on Friday.
In the evening, I had volleyball practice (some coaching shenanigans). We had our last training session before the most important match of the season. So, no technique, only playing. I even played with them for the whole training. (We’ll see, how my knees will manage tomorrow…)
But sadly, today’s training was really bad. I just hope, we’ll play better on Sunday. I’ll keep you posted!
Mental State
While studying today, I figured out, that studying Algebra was making me quite depressed. (Or it makes me “feeling down”… You know.) Maybe it was just a coincidence that I was studying Algebra today, but it made me suddenly think of my ex. For obvious reasons that’s a bummer.
For one short moment, it was really bad. I nearly took a look at some pictures of us (ex and I). But then I realized, that that would probably only make it worse, and I managed to not do it.
On one other occasion, it got quite bad, so I had to distract myself with some obvious things (YouTube)…
But then, in the late afternoon it got better!
I was also thinking, if I might have some sort of light burn out, since I don’t really have that much breaks. (Or rather full day breaks – obviously I have a lot of breaks every day.) Maybe it’s also just because I don’t really see a lot of sun. It’s always foggy outside. That and the short-day combination don’t really help that much…
Anyway. That’s it for today. I’ll talk more to you tomorrow. Until then! Bye-Bye!
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