My Day
Dear Diary! Today was a shit day. Not necessarily because I felt bad, but I studied for about 30 minutes. As you may know, this is really stupid. I just couldn’t motivated myself.
Because of that, I moved my PC-headphones to another room, so tomorrow, I can’t even watch anything on my PC. My “big plan” is thus, that I don’t watch anything. We’ll see how it will work out tomorrow.
Planned for tomorrow is: I take a look at the two Algebra exams from the prof who I have, try to guess what kind of exercises will come in my exam, and then get some problems and solutions from chat-GPT.
I believe this will work, since it’s (somewhat) known, that this prof always makes similar exams.
Also, I went to the gym today. Josh wrote me, that he was there, so I went too. It was a good session. Moved a lot of weight. Was about the only sensible thing I did today.
Purpose in life
As I hardly did any studying today, I spent some time thinking about different things instead. One of those things was: purpose in life. Or rather, what to achieve.
First: Why did I think about that? Soon, a good friend of mine has his birthday. He (and I also soon) will become 24. And this gives me some shivers or at least some un-easy feeling. Not because of my friend, but because of me. Since I don’t feel, like I have achieved anything real as of yet.
But then I asked myself: What would something real be? Or rather: What should I even achieve?
Now these are questions, which everyone has to answer for himself, but in my case, I can give you a few reasons, and then my (current) answer.
1. What is important to me?
– Status? – No
It’s always been strange to me, how people can get so obsessed with status. Like, for what do you need it anyway? Does this “status” really get you anything, you even want? Not really. Of course, it helps if you have a “good” status, but only to get other things.
– Money? – Not really
Most of the time, I think it’s weird, for someone to be obsessed with money. For starters: Yes it’s important to have some basic amount of money, that you have food, (and a place to live) but for more, it’s not that necessary. It also corrupts people around you, so it can’t be that good.
Also, I think of money as something like “potential”. In some sense it is. It’s like 5$ are a “potential bread”, or some “potential potatoes” or something else. But as the money itself, it’s only just some potential.
So then, if someone really wants a lot of money (potential) I just think: Why? You don’t want the money, but whatever you can buy for this money. This then means, you don’t really want the money, only what you can buy with (enough) of it.
(I hope this makes sense – to me it does)
– Something materialistic? – Not really
As long as you have enough to live, it’s not really anything materialistic. I can’t really say why, but this is just so for me. I just always have been like this.
In the end, I try to figure it out for myself.
– Friends? – Mostly, yes
That feels like a hit to me.
2. So – Friends are important. Why?
I have multiple reasons. For one: If I think about the times, when I felt really happy, I was always with my friends. It’s just a fulfilling feeling(?). I can’t really put it to words, it just feels that way.
This also works the other way around. Sometimes, when I feel happy happy, I think “I’m just so happy right now”. Now – when does this feeling occur to me? (If I’m not mis-remembering it, it’s only when I’m hanging out with friends, not really doing anything, so just talking, and relaxing outside.
So in conclusion: I feel the happiest with friends, and if I feel really happy, then I’m with friends. (So in some sense, happy is somewhat equivalent to friends.)
(Just for the protocol: I include also family in the category of “friends” since in some sense, I’m also friends with my whole family.)
3. Are friends the only such thing?
I was thinking in a little bit more broad sense about it. Now for me, it’s basically only that, but I can see, that you can have the same relation with for example a pet.
But I don’t think, you can have this for something like money or status. Or at least, I can’t.
4. So what is the purpose then?
It’s not to have a lot of friends, or to have friends at all. But just to have some good connections to others.
In some sense, (for me) it’s also to have a wife and kids. (But this is a slight stretch – you know.)
On the other hand: What does this mean as a negative? I think, it’s always bad, if people hate each other. Or also such things as bullying – bad1. Don’t hate each other.
5. Implications? What does this explain about me?
I always am a little bit paranoid, if my friends (or some of them) don’t actually like me.2 This would explain why I’m paranoid about this.
This is another weird one but: To me, sex is really personal. It’s a “real”-deep connection (haha – pun) with the partner. For me personally, that’s like the hottest thing about it. Now of course – sex feels good and so on and so forth. But I feel like, the hottest thing about it, is the choosing of a partner, and she also has to choose me (and only me). So it’s like a super deep human-connection. (I think, it’s clear what I mean.)
I dislike it, if people hate each-other. It’s just sad. Most of the time, it’s anyway about anything so not-important. It’s always just a waste of time and so.
To make a better case for this, is left as an exercise for the reader!
Good byes
In the end, I spent way more time writing today, as I initially intended. At first I only wanted to write some bullet points, but then the whole explanation started. Keep in mind, this whole thing, is a work in progress (obviously).
(I got kinda tired half-way-through, so that’s why, the answers to the questions got shorter (and worse(?)).)
Since I spent so long, I didn’t proof read it. So if you find some confusing passages: too bad. But feel free to ask questions!
But that’s all for today. I’ll talk to you more tomorrow! Bye-Bye!
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