February 9

My Day

Dear Diary! Today, I slept until nearly lunch. I then had the sad realization, that I can’t really eat cheese, without getting a huge stomach pain. (Because of the fondue from yesterday evening.)

After lunch, I studied for a little bit (I took a look, at my old, solved exercises). Then, I wanted to go to the gym. I changed, took my bicycle, drove there, and then I realized, I left my batch at home. To my misfortune, there were also a lot of people there, because of which, I then decided, not to go.


After my short bicycle round, I spent some time on YouTube, and then I already had to go to volleyball. We had the derby. First against second. Both wanting to be promoted.

Both teams, knew it going into the match. Long story short: we lost 1:3. Now to the excuses: They had a player, who usually plays 3 divisions higher.

It was still a good match tho. We won one set, which also means, that it was a good match. We even used a tactic, where one outside would come to serve for the middle-blocker, and then (since this outside is the 2nd best defensive player on the team) the libero would go in for the outside in the back-row (who’s worse at defending and serve reception). This worked quite good.

All in all, it was a fun game, we have our excuses, and most importantly: We didn’t lose because we played bad, but they just played better.


Once I was home again, it was already late. Like 8pm. I ate dinner, and then wasted some time on YouTube. I just can’t motivate me to study more. I believe, I am able to pass the test, so we’ll see that soon. I then even started a new TV-series. One I’ve watched already. Numb3rs. It’s about a mathematician who works with the FBI, and I was wondering, how the maths in the series is.

It’s about as expected. Just some movie maths.


That’s all for today. I’ll talk to you more tomorrow! Bye-Bye!


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