My Day
Dear Diary! Today I woke up, ate lunch and wanted to study. But I couldn’t really focus, so I watched an episode of “The Mentalist”. Or maybe two? We’ll never know for sure. Then when I finally got to studying, it was really hard. Eventually I got it working, and just as it was about to get fun, I had to go eat dinner.
After dinner, I had to go to a Volleyball match. Sadly we lost the match in 4 sets, but we had fun anyway. At least some of us. One player of the opposing team was screaming over to us, exactly at the moment we had to serve. This Made the atmosphere rather heated. But to be honest: I enjoyed it more, when we had a reason to be pissed at them. Then it’s not just about winning, but then you really want to win. Which in turn makes it more intense.
In the 4th set we misplayed in the beginning and were down 10-5. We were slowly catching up. When they got into their twenties, we were behind with ~17 points (I believe). Then we made it interesting. Few more balls and the score was 24-22 for them.
Match-point 1: It was close, but we made it happen. One more ball to be played.
Match-point 2: 23-24. We get to serve; and the good ol’ classic happened. Service mistake. But hey – you can’t always win. (Sadly we hardly do, but luckily you don’t know that!)
Afterwards, we went to two team members home (who live together), and played some card game (I won – but as we all know, it’s not about winning).
One friend and I took the last train home. I got home at about quarter to 1am and got back to studying. Just before, I watched 2 episodes of “The Mentalist”. Season 3 is now over. I know the next few episodes are not that interesting, so I’ll hope I can not-watch these too soon.
Studying Plan
My studying plan took a little dive. I thought I was on time, but today it became obvious to me, that I have less time than anticipated. Since I’m a TA, and next Tuesday (January 13) they have their exam, and of course, I am one of those, that corrects these. Since we have about 100 students taking the exam, it’ll take a lot of time to correct them. I expect to loose 3-4 days. That’s quite annoying.
So now my plan is
- Finish Algebra on Monday (12th)
- correct exams
- 1 week of applied mathematics (17th-24th)
- 1 week of ODE’s (25th-1st)
- like 10 days to repeat every part once again (2-3 days / subject)
That’s about it. Too bad, I don’t have any free time left over… I at least hope, that either ODE’s or applied maths won’t take too long, since I did those quite thoroughly during the semester. Well – we’ll see soon.
Book Club
As you might have seen, yesterday I started the book club. Today I wasn’t motivated to write more about the first poem. But I had an idea for future texts/ interpretations. Namely, I try to look from a very specific point of view, and maybe get a more specific, easier to understand, interpretation. My point of view should then be, one that most people can understand.
For example, from the perspective of an athlete. And what this would mean specifically for him. Or from someone doing chores. Or whatever. I’m not really sure about what, but I’ll try to change the perspective from entry to entry.
That’s it for today. I don’t really have anything more important to say. So, see you tomorrow! Bye-Bye!
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