My Day
Dear Diary! Today was not a usual day. First I woke up at 10:15. Why at such an early hour? Good question! My family and I were visiting my foster brother. He recently moved in with his girlfriend, and now he/they wanted to show us their apartment. For this occasion, they invited us for brunch. It was really sweet. Some good bread, meat, cheese and so on. It was really delicious.
They also gave us a room tour. There was nothing really special. Two things stood out though:
- They have their bookshelf ordered by color. This looked really good, but too me seems kinda funny [haha].
- They have an amazing sound setup in their living room.
(My foster brother is somewhat into music, so he also has a record player (Vinyl-player). We also listened to some music, and I gotta say: It was really impressive. I can’t really describe it over words. You just had to listen, and you’d understand.)
After brunch, we stayed there for a little while, and then went home again.
Once we were back home, I got to studying. Nothing out of the ordinary – as you may know. I read the lectures planned for today, but since I got up early, I was kinda tired. So I watched some YouTube videos until dinner (for about 1.5 hours). Most of them weren’t really interesting, but it’s mostly just to pass time.
Then, dinner time. We had some pasta with tuna-salad. Too bad for me, since I don’t like tuna (or fish for that matter). So I just had some pasta for dinner. Too little meat for my taste; and my biceps too.
After dinner, I got back into my room, solved some exercises, watched two episodes of “The Mentalist” and now I’m writing (to) you. It’s already way too late, so I’m not going to write more. I just need to shower, and then go to sleep.
Tomorrow, I will probably (hopefully) write some more. Maybe, I will continue to write for the book club. Well, I don’t wanna give you false hopes. We’ll see tomorrow. Until then; Bye-Bye!
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