January 20

My Day

Dear Diary! This morning I had a physical therapist appointment. My knees are progressing really good. She told me, that now, I can participate in volleyball trainings for about 15 minutes this week, and every consecutive week 5 minutes more (if my knees don’t get worse). With that basically my whole morning was over.

For the rest of the day, I had planned to study. That is, to start with the applied math lectures. Sadly, it did not work out, as I wanted. Why? Or rather, what did I do instead? I made the big mistake, of opening YouTube. As we might know, I am kinda addicted to YouTube. So I watched a lot of YouTube. Did I at least watch anything interesting? Yes – I do think so.

I watched a lot of videos from mossy earth, the ocean clean up project and some videos of similar sort. For example:

Some were about water basins with a half shape. These are really clever. You see, a problem in these places, where it’s a drought for 9 months and then some strong rain (deserts mostly), is, that the ground gets really dry -> hard -> the water runs over it, instead of sinking in it when it rains. So what can you do to stop that? They build these basins. And they do work. Over the time of like 8 years, they regained quite a lot of green places instead of just desert. This is also good for domestic food production.

Yeah, I don’t want to sound like an ad, but I thought this was really cool. I wonder what this might look like in a few years.

In the end, I got around to studying. I started with creating a set of flashcards on the anki app. I even bought the full access thingy, so I can sync it along multiple devices. But my flash card creating was not as useful as I had hoped. I did too much (I believe) and did not pay close enough attention to the proofs of the theorems. So tomorrow, I’ll probably repeat the lectures which I read today, and take a look at the first few exercise sheets.

Plan for future, concerning addiction

I also thought about, what to do in the (far) future, so I don’t get distracted as easily. My idea was:

2 separate PCs, and one of those does not have any audio. With that, if I use it, I can’t really watch any YouTube or TV-shows or anything else. Listening to music can still be done with the phone, so that won’t too big of an issue. One problem that might arise, is if you have any online meetings. It’s quite hard to attend a meeting without any sound. But I’ll figure this out as well!


Anyway. Later I had dinner. My mother cooked some potatoes and (since I don’t really like raw potatoes) I made myself a potato salad. One funny thing is: my sister does not really speak English that well, but she goes to the Fiji islands to teach kindergartners some English. Because of that, we spoke English at home during dinner. Which to me was kinda funny.

After dinner I headed to volleyball training. I didn’t really know, what to do today (or rather, what the focus of the training should be) so I just asked my players. Not really unexpectedly they wanted to play a lot. So play a lot we did. Mostly just some variations of volleyball, but nothing really special.

After the training I headed home, watched YouTube again (like an idiot) and now I’m writing (to) you and then go to sleep. Just before I was brushing my teeth, and then I saw in the mirror, that my eyes are super red. That’s not too good of a sign, I believe. So time to go to bed.

That’s it for today – and since I’m quite tired, I won’t proof read. Ergo, there are probably a few mistakes, but psst we ain’t gonna tell no one.

See you tomorrow! Bye-Bye!


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