January 22

My Day

Dear Diary! As announced yesterday, this morning I did go to the gym with my mom. Initially we planned to go at about 9:15am, but then I was late, and we went half an hour too late. None the less, we went there. Today was the first time in a long time, I actually did a somewhat proper warm up. This means, I went on the treadmill for about 5 minutes. At first, I had a problem with getting it working, but then it worked just fine.

Otherwise, nothing that interesting happened at the gym. They bought new machines, one of which I already used. The old low-row machine was replaced, and with the new one, it was way easier. Probably, because it’s not as junky as the old one. So, today I pulled 60kg, which was easier, than the 50kg with the old machine.

After the gym, I went home and my day went on like a usual day does. Some studying, some watching YouTube and even a short call, about my corrections from last week. I also realized, that I completely stopped watching “The Mentalist” which I believe to be a good thing.

Volleyball – Therapy Session

In the evening, I had to coach my volleyball team. Today I also played with them. Basically all drills were game-like drills. Because of that, I jumped way too often. My right knee started to hurt a little (after the training), so I wonder how it’ll feel tomorrow.

There was also another problem with my volleyball team. Two players, who used to be quite close, had beef. Sadly this was not the first time it happened. Basically, it was a problem for about the last few months. Today it was extra bad. So after the training, both of them had to stay, and we had a small therapy session. This means: They both had to (some extend) lay out their feelings, and tell each other what the problems between them are.

I thought it went quite well. Of course, now, when we first ripped the band-aid off, it probably hurt a little, but I hope, that they both think about our conversation, and then learn something of it. Right now, they both play with open hands. I hope this helps at least to some extend. I’ll keep you posted!

After this quarter hour therapy session, we headed back home. Back at home, I watched some more YouTube, and now I’m going to take a shower, and then go to sleep.

Question about diaries

Yesterday, I was on Instagram for a (not so) short time. I even saw one meme1 about diaries. In this meme were a few examples, of diary entries. BUT all of these entries were more like a bullet point list. Which is not how I write my diary… So I asked myself: Am I writing my diary wrong?

I don’t think, I have an answer to that already, but I believe, that I will keep my diary-format like that. Maybe, once I don’t have the energy to write a full on text, I do a shorter bullet-point list. But for now, it’s better(?) if I keep it like that. But who knows what the future might hold. [ironically pondering – mega deep mhm]

  1. The meme was about, how important things are for teenagers. Mainly: The example was from 9/11, where someone wrote something like
    – wore x pants and y top
    – Talked to crush in school
    – Plan flew into buildings
    or at least similar to that style. Now this meme was not really funny, but I realized, that these people use write their diary in a list-like format.

See Ya

That’s it for today. I’ll see you tomorrow! Bye-Bye!


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