My Day
Dear diary! Today was (one of) the first day, when I got up at 9am. It was quite funny. I woke up from my alarm, but I was still tired; obviously. (Short backstory: I was listening to the music of Moana a lot…) But then, I had a song stuck in my head, which was from Moana, which I think was funny. And then, funnily enough, it motivated me, so I got up, after like 15 min of laying in my bed. (I sadly don’t remember, what song it was… haha)
Anyway, after getting up, I had a quick breakfast, and then started my mix of studying and watching YouTube. For Lunch, I first thought, I was alone. So I waited a bit later (since I wasn’t that hungry to begin with), and when I finally got down in the kitchen, my sister told me, that mom would be home shortly. So I waited some time longer. Once she was home, we (my mom and I) ate lunch. We had some rice (which was a left-over) and she made some Chinese(?)-noodles.
Then, in the afternoon, I finished my flashcards for the AM lecture. This took about 2-3 hours. After that, I had a quick cereal, and then to my volleyball game.
Volleyball Game
Today, we played against our arch-nemesis. We hate them! (At least some of us really do haha). But why the hate? This has a simple reason. After our first match against them, we shared the locker room with them. Now, as it always happens, people talk. And we obviously talked to them. Then, one of them, asked one of us, if we don’t want to play a division lower. This is point one.
For point two: There is an unwritten rule, that men don’t spike the ball (too hard) to women. Most teams play along this rule, but these “people” don’t. So that is extra enraging.
So now, to the game. Firstly, most of us came way to late. They then had like a 10 min warmup (including pepper), before hitting lines. Then the match started like any normal match. Sadly in the first set, we had a low, so we lost that quite hard.
We changed some players in our starting-6. Then we made it interesting. In both, set 2 & 3, they were ahead to about 22-24. (So they’d need one more point to win.) In the end we could always clutch up, so we won both of them.
The fourth set was easier. In the middle of the fourth, I got kinda dizzy, so I changed with a player from the bench. We still managed to win it. And this made us quite happy. Especially, since we are last (5th) and they were/are second. It’s not every day you win these matches.
After the game, we went to MacDonald and ate some burgers. Then Daniel and I went home with the train. Unexpectedly we met another player of the main team on the train, so we sat to him. We talked a bit, but then like 10-15 minutes later we had to get off the train, and drive home alone with our bicycles.
On the way home on the bicycle, I have to drive on a dirt-road (for a short time), where there obviously aren’t any street poles. And let me tell you. The sky was stunning. The stars were shining super bright. It was really beautiful. Sadly, I can’t take any pictures of the sky, since my phone’s too bad.
Once I got home, I wasted a little time on YouTube, and now I’m writing (to) you.
Thinking about you
trying to use more pictures in my diary, since text is kinda boring
I spent a little time, thinking about you – my dear Diary. Most, about the format which I should use. One thing, that I’m not pleased with, is, that I hardly use any photos. I think, this scares a lot of people away. Probably, because I wouldn’t read it either, if there aren’t any pictures. So I’ll try to add some more pictures to my diary. But ATM it’s kinda hard, since I basically spend every day at home, and not do much. But yeah – we’ll see what the future holds!
Am I ready to get hurt again?
There is this quite famous scene in “The Office” where Michael says to the camera: “I am ready to get hurt again.”
Lately, I’ve been asking me the same thing. Now, currently I don’t have a definite solution but I’m getting closer and closer to announcing, that I’m ready to get hurt again. I would say, right now my state is “passively looking”. Whatever this may mean. Once it changes, I’ll tell you!
That’s it for today. Take care, and I’ll see you tomorrow! Bye-Bye!
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