My Day
Dear Diary! Like in the last few days, I went to bed too late, so I did not get up at my desired time. But today I had plans. Luckily for me, my plans were only for lunch. So I got up at like 10am. Maybe a little bit later, I’m not sure yet.
What were my plans? Good question! As we know, I was a TA at my university. In the group which I helped, was a post-doc who just now leaves the team. Because of that, the whole team (and the TA’s apparently) were invited to lunch from the university (or professor – am not entirely sure). So my plans were: go and eat lunch.
The restaurant where we ate, was called Galleria Luce. It is a quite fancy1 Italian restaurant. As a starter, I had a green salad , and for the main course a pizza Ventricina (this is basically a pizza with spicy Salami).

You might see the small logo of the restaurant on the pizza. Like a small trade mark. It’s also edible. This is quite cool.
Back Home
After lunch, we said goodbye and then I went home again. At home, I was not feeling like studying, so I watched some YouTube. Once I got over it, I was started creating some flashcards for the ODE exam. Basically all the “elementary solving methods”, which I believe, is the most important part of this exam.
This took me until dinner. I really started to get into it, but yeah – dinner is also important. After dinner, I packed my things, and went to volleyball practice. Today we had to use another gym, because:
An other team had a match -> players from a different club (hockey or sth.), could take our gym, because the match would take some part of their gym time -> no more place for us…
So we had an even worse gym today… But the training was good.
If you remember, last Wednesday, two members (A the one who’s pissed, B being the problem child) had a little fight and then a therapy session with me. Today on the other hand, A told me, that it was one of B’s best trainings this whole season. So I claim, it’s because of that therapy session. I rest my case.
Once I was finally back home, I watched a little bit of YouTube, and finished my flashcards.
Getting Sick(?)
Currently, my nose is plugged. I have the strong suspicion, that I’m about to become sick. Which could not be at a worse time… But on the other hand, it was also like this, last year. So…. not good.
At the time, a lot of people are sick – probably a flue going around. My father even had pneumonia. I hope, that I don’t get this either. Because of that, I took 2 pills of vitamin C before. So, my fingers are crossed. I’ll tell you soon.
Now, that’s all for today. I’ll see you tomorrow! Bye-Bye!
- It may not look that fancy on my pictures, but there were even chandeliers! and that means something – mhm âŠī¸
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