January 4

My Day

Dear Diary! Today my family and I visited one of my mothers best friends. She lives like an hour away from us. She just moved in with a friend of hers and now they share an apartment. I also realized, that women generally have prettier apartments than men [haha]. It was really nicely decorated, like with lots of paintings, Christmas decor, and so on.
Her apartment was in an older house. They had 2 stories, which is always nice. They also had a hammock, which I thought was really cool. I used to have one of those, but not anymore ):

Factory re-utilization

What it would look like in summer

Anyway. Nearby her apartment used to be a machine-factory. Some years ago, the owners (as well as their business) moved to another city. Then the people living there, were wondering, what to do with all this empty space. At first, some wanted to move in, but that’s not really viable. Then they came up with a really good idea. Namely: Nowadays you can rent some smaller parts of the big factory, and have your very own shop/business there. There were lots of smaller shops like:
– a brewery
– a climbing hall
– some restaurants
– a child day care special
and lots more. It was really nice. She told us, that in summer times, a lot of plants would flourish and it’d be a lot greener. Unlike now, when it’s all cold and grayish.

Neat puzzle

My mom’s friend also showed us some puzzle. You start out, with some oddly shaped pieces, and a board. On the board, each field had either a Month, or Day written on. (For example the first three squares were “Jan”, “Feb”, “Mar”; and the last few were “28”, “29”, “30”, “31”.) Then, the goal of the puzzle was, to solve it in a way that only the two correct fields were visible. For example, today “Jan” and “4” would have stayed visible after solving.
This means, every day a new puzzle to solve. Apparently this is possible with the given set of pieces, which I think is really cool. 365 different puzzles in one puzzle.

Otherwise, not a lot happened today. I studied for a little, but was mostly too tired to focus. I also read one more lecture, so tomorrow I have to read one more, and then solve some exercises.


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