January 9

My Day

Dear Diary! Today I was feeling good. I don’t know what it was, or why, but it does not really matter. Today was just a good day!

I woke up, ate lunch, and started studying. I felt motivated, and knew what I had to do. A new chapter just started (about rings – the algebraic structure) and it just went good. Yesterday evening, I pre-read the chapter I had to do today, so it was a bit easier. Maybe it’s just because I’m only at the beginning of the chapter, or most new things are similar to concepts from before, but I was doing good. It only took about 4 hours to read the lectures and solve the exercises. I was already finished before dinner. First time in the last 2 weeks. Now that is what I call exciting!

So, after studying, I still learned some new definitions (with flashcards, from today’s lectures) and watched some episodes of “The Mentalist”. Almost a classic by this point.

Thinking about things they said

Speaking of “The Mentalist”. In one episode, the bad guy confessed his crime to the police, and then said “I thought after confessing, I would feel something like a burden lift off. But I don’t feel anything.”

But why’s that important? Yesterday I told you about how I was feeling/ thinking. And I felt exactly the same as this guy. I thought, if I’d confess my feelings / thoughts, I’d feel better. Yesterday evening I, in fact, did not BUT I have a feeling, that this might be, why I’m feeling so good today.

I just wanted to say that… So the next time, I have something to confess I’ll report to you if it also made me feel better!

My Day – part 2

What am I gonna do now? Tao Te Ching.

I’ll start right now. I was thinking, that I don’t write this in my diary entries, but make a separate category. So that’s what I’ll do now. I’ll be back in about an hour, and tell you of my despair, trying to analyze a poem. For the first time in like 4 years. And the first time actually trying.

it’s now like 1 hour later, and I’m still not finished with the first real part. I wrote part 0 (introduction) and started with the first poem. I have to admit, it’s more work than expected.

One problem might be, that I kinda want to say at least one thing to each part of the poem, so I don’t really only use the interesting parts. (Or the parts where I immediately know something sensible to say.)

Anyway. I aborted this philospher’s mission for now. I’m too tired and it’s too late now. I don’t know, when I’ll continue, but probably soon.

But for you, my dear Diary, I’ll be back tomorrow. See you then! Bye-Bye!


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