March 10

My Day

Dear Diary! Today, I woke up early, which made me happy. Then, I had a small breakfast (chocolate milk) and watched some LosRatones. So then lunch was just right around the corner.

Today, my mom and I were mostly alone, (since we ate late and my brother had to leave early). So I had a tête-à-tête with her. She was really tired, because she did most of the things for my sisters birthday yesterday.

Afternoon and Dinner

After lunch, I did some studying (solved some complex analysis exercises) and then watched some more YouTube. I also had to prepare a practice session, since we might have some more matches.

Then, after most of that was done, it was already late afternoon. Quarter past 5. I already saw the sun beginning to set. I wanted to ask my mom if I should cook dinner (since she said something close to that yesterday), but when I got to her room, she was sleeping on the couch, in the warm sun. Of course, I didn’t wake her up, but started to cook. I made an easy meal today. Just some spaghetti with an arrabiata sauce. Turned out not too bad – but it’s also hard to mess this up.

After dinner, my mom helped me with the dishes, since she (we all) know, that I hate doing that, and I’m also super slow with them. We were done swiftly, I got ready for volleyball practice.

Volleyball Practice

Initially, Samuel told me, he would drive to practice, and we’d meet at 35 at the train station. I got there in time. It was beautiful weather. Some clouds, but still kinda warm. Since I was a bit early, I waited there. The time showed 7:35 but Samuel was still no where to be seen. So I waited some more. A few minutes later, I decided to call him. Turns out, he mistakenly thought, practice was an hour later. So we were late.

Also, on our way there, we saw some guy on his bicycle with a wooden cart. On this cart was another bicycle. We found it funny and joked, that he was a bicycle thief.
Funnily enough, Leon was also in the car with us, and his bicycle was stolen just last week. So we told him, he should go ask this guy for advice for his new bicycle.

None the less, practice was still good. We were only 8 players (including me) but that made it easier for the team creations. Other than that, nothing notable about today’s practice happened.


After practice, we went home again, but I also made one more banger joke. We were in the car (Samuel, Leon and I) and I had a sports jacket of someone in Emiliana’s team. So I told them, I had to drop this of at her house (since we drive past that anyway. They (obviously) asked me, why I have this jacket (since they didn’t know, it wasn’t hers). To which I replied with:” She forgot that at my place” and then they both in perfect sync:” She was at your place??” haha!

Other than that, nothing important had happened today. Just some more YouTube, and I’m ready for bed quite early. I started with my writing’s even before midnight. This is a rare occurrence – but a welcome one to be sure. Since I got a little sidetracked, I’m only finishing it now (1 hour later) but at least I’m doing it!

Try writing more Lively

On a separate but unrelated note: I think, I’ll try writing better. More concretely I mean, that I use more figurative examples. And also write, how it felt and so on. Basically try to tell my story in a lively matter.

That’s all for today. I’ll see you again tomorrow! Bye-Bye!


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