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March 14

My Day

Dear Diary! Happy pi day, as the mathematician in me would say. 3.1415926535… wow! Super cool! (not really…)

Enough of that! What did I actually do today? Well, first, I woke up quite early. But then (just like yesterday) I was still to tired, so I stayed in bed for some more time. Today though, wasn’t as easy to fall back asleep as yesterday. I laid awake in bed for 30-45 min. and listening to music, before falling back asleep.

So then I got up at like 11:15-ish. And of course, as I usually do these days, I didn’t do that much. So then: YouTube -> Lunch -> Some more YouTube.

Driving to Pharmacy

But then in the afternoon, I had a short car drive. Since I don’t have my drivers license yet, my mum came with me. We had to go to the pharmacy, since I needed my Crohn’s disease medication.
Nowadays (for like the next few months) they have some road work, so we had to take a quite big detour. Which I didn’t mind, since this meant, that I got to drive a little more! To be completely honest: My driving was way better than expected. I mean, a little bit shaky at first, but after some time, it nearly went back to normal. Considering, that I haven’t driven in like 1-2 months, I’m happy with that. Also, at home, I have to park backwards, and today, my backwards parking was probably the best it ever was.

Math Lessons for Leah

Anyway. After that, I solved one quick exercise, and then wasted some more time on YouTube until dinner. During dinner, we were talking about somethings, and one thing led to another, and so Leah was interested in getting a short math session. The big plan is, that she wants to know, how to proof 0 \cdot a=0 for all a \in G. So today, I explained to her, what groups are (with some examples for her to “solve”) and tomorrow we’ll get to rings, and then to the final proof. (Maybe…)

Once that was over, I spent some more time on YouTube, and listened to one more podcast, so not too bad (I guess) but yeah. Definitely not good either.

After that, I took a shower, and now I’m writing (to) you!

Thinking about Ex – More Common?

Today was worse. Not as bad as yesterday, but definitely worse than in the last two weeks. Especially once this afternoon. It just randomly hit me, when I was trying to solve a math exercise. Really annoying, since then I can’t (really) think anymore, it makes me feel (super) sad, and then I have to do something to change my thoughts…

I hope this stops soon again. It’s probably gonna take a few days though… Nothing really to do about that…

Texting update concerning Emiliana

As I (probably) told you, I’m texting Emiliana until she doesn’t reply. And today was (sorta) the day. That means: I texted her this morning, and she hasn’t responded yet. So one whole day without a text. A new record! To be fair, she hasn’t opened the text yet, and I wrote an un-answerable text. So I’m eager to find out, if (and/or what) she texts me tomorrow! (If tomorrow at all)

If she doesn’t reply, I can claim the victory for myself. Wow, really impresive! Winning in a game, only I can win, and no-one else knows about! What a time to be alive!

That’s all for today! I’ll see you again tomorrow! Bye-Bye!


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