March 16

My Day

Dear Diary! Today, I did nothing. Watched a lot of YouTube, and that’s about it…

I didn’t even think about anything particularly interesting. Truly, a wasted day.

Well, I watched some videos about apes. (One about Gorillas, and one about Gibbons.) This was quite interesting.
For example, he “showed” how these apes have a sense of humor. Quite funny. Also some more things, but you’d have to look for yourself!

As already mentioned, nothing interesting happened today… So I’ll see you again tomorrow, hopefully with a more interesting story to tell.

P.s. Emiliana and I currently have this stalemate position in texting, that neither of us is saying anything in each message, but we both (kinda) still answer every time. So today it was like 1 message of me (and her) haha. We do this, even though we both know, that we see each others message instantly. (For example, I know, that she has an apple watched, so she sees every message instantly. And she probably knows, that I check my phone quite often, especially when it vibrates – haha)

But now, it’s time to go to sleep. Until tomorrow! Bye-Bye!


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