March 5

My Day

Wake up -> Go to university -> Lecture for an hour about complex analysis -> go home -> Lunch

In the afternoon, I watched some YouTube videos, but nothing notable. After that, we had a volleyball match – again. The 2nd last of the mixed team. Because of that, I had to leave at like quarter to six.

Volleyball Game

The match was not too special. We won 3:1. The ref was a funny fella. After the 3rd set, he told both team-captains, that we should play “good volleyball – like at the end of this set. Not like in the beginning”. Which I thought was funny.

Oh, and also, in the fourth set, I smashed one ball on the 3m line. This is quite rare, even for me on mixed (WHAAAA??). But that was cool. mhm.

After all that, we went to eat in a MacDonald and then home again. Once back at home, nothing special happened. I just watched some YouTube videos, am really tired, writing (to) you, and now I’m going to bed. So I’ll see you again tomorrow! Bye-Bye!


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