
  • My Day

    Dear Diary! Today I: Slept late -> Lunch -> Volleyball


    At first, we had mixed match. We played against some other coaches from the club, which was kinda fun, since we both are about the same, so it’s always a long game. In the end, we lost 1:3… It was really weird. At first, it felt like it’s gonna be a good day, but then I played like shit! The only thing, that really worked out for me, were my top-spin jump serves. Theses were really good. I made 3 in the game, and 3 impressive points with that.
    (Just for the protocol: The only set we won, was when Daniel was on the bench (we were 7 players). Ergo, he’s the worst player from the team – mhm)

    So then after this match, we had another game with the team that I’m coaching. This was a bad match as well. At least we won 3:1, so now it certain, that we’re gonna be 2nd at the end of the season. But yeah. We are not happy with that.


    After this match, a few players and I went out to eat. I had a Cordon-Bleu with fries. This was good. Oh, and as a starter, Louis, Daniel and I shard a Foccachia-Pizza. This is always good as well.

    Silly Joke

    And once more, I did a silly. I wrote with Emiliana, who had a meeting with the female-juniors-coaches (from volleyball). After some forth and back, she wrote, that she’s hungry. I then replied with:” I can give you a fry” to which she replied with something along the lines of: so generous, thanks a lot.
    So then, I took two fries, put them in a napkin, and once we left, put them in her mailbox. I then wrote her that she should check her mail. She replied with “should I be scared”, and then “I now owe you a fry [laughing emoji]”.
    And then also: “really cute, I had to laugh [emoji]”

    So now this would all be cool, if she didn’t have a boyfriend. haha – sadge.

    Trash war

    After that, we (players who came to eat) went to a MacDonald drive through, to get some desert. Since we were too many, we were underway with two cars. We got some MacFlurry and then ate next to each other in the cars.
    Once Daniel was finished, he asked us, if he should throw his finished-trash into their car. To which I jokingly replied with “yes”. And little did I know: Somewhat drunk Daniel actually did it. Fucking funny. Not gonna lie. But also silly. but funny.
    After doing that like 3 times, we then went home again.

    Home Again

    Once at home, I watched some YouTube, and now I’m writing (to) you. So that’s all for today. I’ll see you again tomorrow! Bye-Bye!

  • My Day

    Wake up -> Lunch

    Don’t study like an idiot – YouTube is way better mhm

    Play Trackmania with Daniel

    Volleyball Game

    Going to a volleyball first division females game with Daniel, Leon, Louis, and Emanuel. In the drive there, we were talking at first, but then also singing to some Disney music – which I was quite good at, funnily enough. Like an idiot, I put in the wrong address in the GPS, so we were there 10 minutes later than anticipated, but it was still just 15 minutes before the match begun, so all good.

    Lots of people from our volleyball club were there as well. It was fun (I guess).
    In the fourth set, I felt really silly. I don’t know. I was just thinking, “this all is really pointless”… I guess my 14 year old emo-phase just begun haha.

    Does this mean anything(?)

    Speaking of other people: Diana wrote me, to ask me if I’d come too. Which, I don’t really know, sus. I mean, we are friends, but still. Felt kinda like you know. Probably I’m trippin tho.

    “Crush” – yeah

    Anyway, Emiliana was also there. This was somewhat a surprise to me, but a welcome one for sure. We talked for a bit – yeah. After the game, we (a group of like 8 people) played with a balloon. Basically just “don’t drop the ball”. This was fun.

    Clever Suggestion to Meet her Again

    In this moment, I figured out, that they (the group of Emiliana) are going to eat after getting home – and she said, probably some MacDonald’s or Burger King.
    Since we didn’t have any dinner as well, I asked if we (group) want to go eat something too – which we agreed to.
    Then, some time later, I suggested the local MacDonald. And wouldn’t you know it: Emiliana was there with her group! So we ended up sitting with them. So that was some good detective shenanigans.

    After this late dinner, we all went home. In the car-drive, Louis said:” I can see, why you like her. She’s not only good-looking but also has a fun-character. Too bad she has a boyfriend tho! Now you just gotta wait, until they break up. Just stay in her head.” (haha)Which is like the most teenage-boy-mindset, but kinda true (I guess).

    Home Again

    Back at home again, I watched some YouTube. Today was the final of the Redbull faster tournament. I was invested in how Spammiej would perform. Sadly he didn’t get to the final-final. Kinda sad, but tbh. expected.

    After watching all that, I took a shower, and now I’m writing (to) you.


    So that’s all for today. Nothing more to mention. I’ll see you again tomorrow! Good night!

  • My Day

    Wake up -> go to hospital for routine checkup

    Basically everything is good. Do a few extra blood test, and I get the results instantly in an app. I think this is really cool!

    After that go home -> don’t study (smh) but listen to podcasts.
    really interesting stuff. It’s with Paul Rosolie who is an rain forest conservationist. He’s a really good story telling. Some stories about living in the jungle, hunting, living, medicine, animals, connection to all, deforestation, conservation projects, and so on and so forth.

    After listening to that, I felt a bit silly, since I’m at home, basically doing nothing, and he’s just out there living. (Basically what I was writing about maybe doing – which he is right now.)

    That’s basically all that happened today. I spent like 10 hours listening to podcasts with this guy. He has some interesting things to say. But what I (try to) remember is, that we should just leave it all alone. No forestation; no gold mining; No contact to these u contacted tribes; “sustainable food from rain forests” which are sold in stores, are all fake -> cause deforestation (like 40% of deforestation is for food for humans). And most importantly, the cause is (mostly) money. WHAAATTT?? yeah….

    What am I gonna do?

    So now I feel a bit silly, and I was even thinking of doing some project like this myself. But then I think:” The way I could help most, is by making a good wage, and spending it.” Which I (maybe) am gonna do. At least, this is more likely than me starting a big project like this.

    Also, when thinking about starting my own conservation program, I made a little plan for myself. Mostly, what I would have to do. This is, making sure, that the “ecosystem engineers”-animals can roam free and do whatever it is that they do. I think this would be the easiest way, to help for a lot of things. Basically you get these workers for free. So you only have to do half the job. (At least in my ideal world it would work like that.)

    So my road map would be:
    1. Protect these animals
    2. Make sure that they reproduce and grow their population
    3. Let them do the work

    Yeah, this is my plan. Feel free to support me! mhm.

    Seeing Myself in a Video

    On a separate but unrelated note: I also saw a video called, “Casually Explained: The Political Compass“. And as silly as it may sound, I’ve seen myself in this video extremely often in the lib-left category. Only because of what I’ve written about in my diary about the purpose of life. Which I thought was kinda interesting to see.
    Maybe, it’s because, in an ideal world, we could all just be “happy and live together in harmony” but sadly it’s not an ideal world. So it doesn’t work like that…

    Otherwise, I listened a lot to the song “Mon Bebe” by KiDi. (Just as a quick mention.)

    Time for Bed

    That’s all for today. I’m gonna take a shower now, and then I’ll see you tomorrow! Bye-Bye!

  • Dear Diary! From now on, I won’t usually make my daily-doings spell out as precise as I used to. Rather, bullet-point wise. But if I don’t have anything other to tell, I’ll keep it in a more fancy way.

    My Day

    Nearly overslept -> brush teeth & leave without breakfast

    TA business at university, I was asked one question, which I couldn’t answer good, so they asked another TA the same thing… (feels bad man)

    Going home -> cook lunch

    Afternoon: spend most time correcting the hand in’s from students, and spend some time on YouTube

    Finish correcting just in time for dinner – nice!

    After dinner, go to the nearest grocery store with my brother -> he drives and parks using like 3 parking spaces – funny haha (it was like 15 min before the store closes -> like 2 people there)

    waste some time on YouTube -> shower -> now I’m writing you

    Update from yesterday

    I said, that I have to text Emiliana back. Once I got to bed, I fell asleep way too fast, so I didn’t answer her (haha). So this morning I just wrote back a ghost-me-response “This is literally me every morning mhm” and then a gif of a chicken catching a worm. And so on.

    Long story short. I’m in a similar position as yesterday evening. Except, it’s a different message now haha…

    Feelings & Thoughts

    Thinking about Ex

    Today, I was thinking more about my ex than usual. Well; more is not exactly true. It was more like: Not as often, but the memories were more painful. You get me?

    But overall, in the last few days, I feel as if I spent less time thinking about her. Which is a good sign. (I have the suspicion, it’s because I was in contact with my (kinda) crush. Because now, I’m like moving towards something instead of just away from something. But who knows…)

    Purpose of Life

    Today, by sheer coincidence, I saw a video, in which a “modern”-person asked a person from a hunter-gatherer tribe: “What’s the purpose of life?” This hunter then replied with: “Meat! Meat and Honey!”

    And I gotta say, it’s rather obvious when you think about it. (It’s like “food important”.)

    Now, why do I tell you this? Lately, I’ve been thinking, to figure the “purpose of life” out, you’d have to live like the people from back in the day. Because they didn’t ask themself this. (So they knew the answer.)

    But now, I’m not so sure anymore. So, do I still want to do my 2 weeks without electricity? Probably yes. I still think it’s gonna be a good experience. But we’ll see. It most probably won’t answer any questions like this…

    That’s all for today. I’ll see you again tomorrow! Bye-Bye!

  • My Day

    Dear Diary! Today, I got up at! Yey, one step better than yesterday already! I then made myself ready, and went to uni.
    For some odd reason, we have to hand in our “homework” on paper, and since our printer at home didn’t work today, I had to copy all my notes from my iPad to paper. Really cool – mhm…
    By coincidence I met Louis at the train station, but since I had to copy my “homework”, I couldn’t even talk to him.

    Once I was in uni, the lecture only took one hour. I thought it’s gonna be 2. But the second hour was a question/answer hour for students with the assistants. So this didn’t really help me…

    Algebra exam review

    After this second hour, I could go and take a look at my algebra-exam. (I was a little disappointed, since I only had a 4.5.) Turns out, I don’t really understand what they don’t like. Some mistakes were clear, but others not so much. And annoyingly, they didn’t have notes on the exams – so you would have to ask the assistants. What a bother, am I right?
    (One annoying mistake of mine was, that I mistakenly used the same variable for different things. Which then makes it seem wrong…)

    Home Again

    After all that, I went home and made myself some lunch. I had some sandwiches – nothing too special. And after those, I did the classic, and ate a piece of bread with olive oil and salt. Really delicious!

    Then, in the afternoon, I was somewhat tired, so I watched some YouTube. After some time of doing that, I read a lecture of measure theory and made some flashcards. Also, I found out, that they publish the solutions of the “homework”, which s really practical. (At least it seems that way to me.)


    After an afternoon doing that, I had dinner and then headed to volleyball practice. It was not really a good training… We just played a little, and left pretty soon. (Also, we were only 7 players – including me…)

    After that, we went to shower (like you do) and since only 3/8 showers work in our changing-room, I went over to the women’s changing-room1 to see if those work better. And as a matter of fact, they do! They even have a better floor than the men’s shower. So I showered over there.

    Back home again – Problem with Replying

    Once I got back home, I watched some YouTube and made myself ready for bed. (Also, I changed my bed-sheets just before!) Now I’m writing you. But I still have one small task left. That is: Emiliana and I exchanged some texts, but now I don’t know what to reply.

    The last relevant part of the conversation is this:
    * Her: I see, you got up early2
    * Me: What can I say? The early bird catches the worm 🪱
    * Her: I think so as well 😂😂

    Now what do you reply to this?? Hello?

    I think, I make an elephant out of a worm here (pun – haha), so yeah. It’s not like it’s gonna change anything…

    Well, I guess, I’ll figure it out anyway. For now, I’m going to bed. I’ll see you again tomorrow! Bye-Bye!

    I just changed all names (which I quickly found) with hypothetical ones. So now, it’s one more step anonymous (especially for them) and I can write names out now, so it’s easier to understand what I mean.

    1. For obvious reasons it was empty, which I knew. ↩︎
    2. Which is funny, since she got up like 3 hours before me. ↩︎
  • My Day

    Dear Diary! Today, I initially wanted to go to university to listen to some lectures. Of course, my alarm rang, I thought: “doesn’t hurt, to spend some more time with my eyes closed – I don’t fall asleep anymore.” Little did I know, the next time I took a look at the clock, was an hour later; exactly, when the lecture begins. Dam! So I wrote my friend from uni (Lorenzo) and told him, that I overslept. Luckily, he was there, and he then sent me his lecture notes. So not too bad!

    After texting him, I (of course) went back to sleep, since I still was tired… So then I woke up again for real, and had lunch.


    Then, in the afternoon, I knew, that I had to solve the complex-analysis exercises, since I have to hand those in tomorrow. I, rather quickly, got started on those. Most took some time, but I solved all but one in the end. Which I think is good!

    Also, we had a volleyball match coming up this evening (mixed). And of course, we weren’t enough people. So I did what I had to do, and asked someone to come help. I asked Emilliana which kinda is/was my current crush. (Sadly she’s got a boyfriend tho). Nonetheless I got somewhat nervous. I even started to shiver a little (haha). I texted her with some bad joke, and little do you know, she agreed and came to help out!

    Volleyball Game

    So – volleyball match: We had our first placement game. It was quite an easy game. It turned out, if all of us know how to play volleyball, we are actually a quite good team. WHAT?! Crazy right? So we had a quick 3:0 win.

    Driving Home

    After the game, we went home rather quickly, since Emilliana has to get up at like 6am and wanted to go to sleep.
    In the car-ride home, we(mostly Emiliana and I) (weirdly) talked about sleep, which is one thing, I was “researching” quite a lot recently. Well rather, I asked why our sleeping-rhythm is not aligned with the night-rhythm. (midnight ≠ half time sleeping) And then some tangent about people in the middle-ages and how they did it and so on.

    After that, we quickly talked some about Iceland (since we both were there – and it was kinda connected to that, since a lot of night in Iceland).

    So some weird talk with her(?). Also, once she said: “[Name] thanks for this interesting(?) information about sleep” in a (how I perceived it) quite ironic way. But when asked if she meant it ironic, she said “no” (?). So yeah – you make of that what you want…
    (It kinda sounded like someone who is new to giving compliments giving a compliment. But I think, she meant it in a good way – it was just kinda weird.)

    Arriving at Home

    Soon after that, I got home, and initially wanted to do my final exercise. I tried for about half an hour… I then surrendered; and watched some YouTube.

    Now it’s too late already (again) so I go to bed now! Hopefully I don’t sleep in tomorrow as well! So that’s all for today. I’ll see you again soon! Bye-Bye!

    (If I don’t forget it:) Tomorrow, I’m gonna change a lot of names here, to other ones. And I keep a “cheat-sheet” where I note who is who. Since
    1. I have some friends with not-so-common names, you could figure out things about them, which they (probably) don’t want the public to know; and
    2. I can write all the (fake-)names out, so it’s more clear (to me and probably you) who I’m talking about.
    So I’m gonna break a rule, but that’s all I’m gonna change – so not too bad!

  • My Day

    I slept for long – since yesterday, I fell asleep at like 5:15am. I even heard the first person get up. Too early for that. So I got up at about 11:30am. I only listened to some music and then had Lunch.

    In the afternoon, I finished some exercises on measure theory and handed them in. Then I read one lecture, but couldn’t motivate myself to do more studying. This in turn means, I watched some YouTube. After some time, I felt bored watching YouTube, so I started to clean my desk (it was a real mess).

    About an hour after my starting to clean my desk, I had dinner. For a short time after dinner, I got back to cleaning but then already had to leave and go to volleyball practice.

    To be honest, I wasn’t really motivated to do that. Don’t really know why tho… One part is, that one of my players is a problem child. Since this is obviously not good, I should have a grown-up-talk with him. But I didn’t want to have this awkward conversation with him and some other players, so I just didn’t. The training still turned out really good (even though, we were only 5 players).

    After the training, Daniel and I were the first to finish showering, so we waited outside. We were joking about the excuse we’ve gotten for canceling our murder-mystery-evening. (It was planned of cats – and their reason was, that their cat was sick, so it needed some calm time.)

    Once I was back home, I finished cleaning my desk. It took like one more hour, but now it’s pretty much clean. Since one monitor was broken, I removed it, and now I have a lot more space which is nice. Also, I started to use 2 folders for all the letters which I had lying around.

    After that, I spent some more time on YouTube, and soon I’ll go to bed.

    Being Sad – Quit Volleyball?

    Today evening was quite strange (?). I just wasn’t motivated to do anything.
    (In some sense, I feel as if I were burned out a bit. I mean, it would make somewhat sense, since I only had one day holiday since Christmas with a lot of time studying.)

    So because of that, I was also thinking of quitting volleyball. I mean, in some way, I feel as if I’m not motivated as I used to be. No. Like quite often, I don’t even want to go to practice. Maybe today was especially bad, since my knees hurt, but who knows…

    Point being, I was somewhat depressed. Not like suicidal-depressed, more like “I don’t want to do anything”-depressed.

    Doing a Love(?) Personality Trait Test

    Just before, I was watching a wired question and answers video of a anthropologist – in this case Helene Fisher. In one answer she said, that she developed a test that categorizes you into 4 categories. And then she said, that depending of your category, she can tell you to which you are attracted to.

    I thought this was interesting, so I quickly did this test here. Turns out I’m a “Director” and “Explorer”. And then I read to what I’m attracted to. Didn’t feel super new, but it’s kinda true.
    So apparently I like the “Negotiator” and “Explorer” type. Some nice trivia right here.

    Anyway, that’s all for today. I’m going to sleep now! Bye Bye!

    P.S. I just thought, I need to find a better way to say good-bye at the end of the day. It feels just somewhat off like that. That’s all! Bye

  • My Day

    Dear Diary! Today, I woke up with a light headache – not really surprising haha. I initially had planned to study some, but in the end I didn’t do any studying. So I had a chill day.

    Since I didn’t get a lot of sleep, I took a nap after dinner. Now, that obvious bad thing, I am still awake at 3:50am. So my sleep-rhythm is completely dead…

    I don’t really have anything more to say… My right knee hurts quite a lot today, maybe it’s because of the gym yesterday, or I did something stupid which I do not remember (haha).

    So that’s it for today! I’ll take a shower now, and then go to sleep. Until tomorrow – Bye-Bye!

    P.S. I had the (rather obvious) realization, that: If I get drunk, the next day is practically ruined. Not because I am too hung over, but because my motivation / discipline are complete goners…
    Another reason, to not drink too much!

  • My Day

    usual morning

    gym (with louis; meet ellie); feeling weak (since 2nd time gym in 2 weeks)

    Chilling at home

    going to yanis – burgers and funny talks
    – being homeless strats
    – disappearing as a group of 3

    going to look for further bars

    yanis girlfriend joins

    it’s late – we move to yanis & Leah’s home -> chilling
    yanis barking / meowing out of the window

    while walking home, we walked over a bridge. It was very beautifull, with “still”-water

    going home


    Dear biary

    I’, really tired tight now. I had alot of fun today evening. Today, you see like one more picture, other than that, not a lot happened.

    Since I’m too tired, drunk and it’s too late: Sleep good – See You Tmoroow! Bye-Bye!

  • My Day

    Not studying – silly me
    in the afternoon I (with the huge help of my mom) found my cloths for tomorrow. You’ll see tomorrow why this is important!


    In the afternoon, I watched a lot of videos about drawing. Like, what to do and so on. So I probably start doing that soon. Maybe on the first of March. So I can easily see, how long I’m already drawing.
    I think, I will only draw with a pencil – so without color.

    Volleyball match

    We had another match today evening. It was funny, since from the opponent team, neither the ref nor their coach appeared. But we all knew, that this would not matter. In the end we’d win 3:0. It was a terrible match, but still took one hour, so not too bad.
    After the match, Louis and I went to the MacDonald. I had a crispy chicken burger. Super cool

    Am I ready?

    first time thinking, “I want a girlfriend again”. Because one of my players brought his girlfriend to his match, and then this got me thinking: “Man, it really would be nice, if that were me”. Not that I would date his GF (because I wouldn’t) but you get what I mean.

    Right now, I’m not really motivated to write more, so that’s all for today. I’ll see you again tomorrow. Bye-Bye!