My Day
Dear Diary! Today I: Slept late -> Lunch -> Volleyball
At first, we had mixed match. We played against some other coaches from the club, which was kinda fun, since we both are about the same, so it’s always a long game. In the end, we lost 1:3… It was really weird. At first, it felt like it’s gonna be a good day, but then I played like shit! The only thing, that really worked out for me, were my top-spin jump serves. Theses were really good. I made 3 in the game, and 3 impressive points with that.
(Just for the protocol: The only set we won, was when Daniel was on the bench (we were 7 players). Ergo, he’s the worst player from the team – mhm)
So then after this match, we had another game with the team that I’m coaching. This was a bad match as well. At least we won 3:1, so now it certain, that we’re gonna be 2nd at the end of the season. But yeah. We are not happy with that.

After this match, a few players and I went out to eat. I had a Cordon-Bleu with fries. This was good. Oh, and as a starter, Louis, Daniel and I shard a Foccachia-Pizza. This is always good as well.
Silly Joke
And once more, I did a silly. I wrote with Emiliana, who had a meeting with the female-juniors-coaches (from volleyball). After some forth and back, she wrote, that she’s hungry. I then replied with:” I can give you a fry” to which she replied with something along the lines of: so generous, thanks a lot.
So then, I took two fries, put them in a napkin, and once we left, put them in her mailbox. I then wrote her that she should check her mail. She replied with “should I be scared”, and then “I now owe you a fry [laughing emoji]”.
And then also: “really cute, I had to laugh [emoji]”
So now this would all be cool, if she didn’t have a boyfriend. haha – sadge.
Trash war
After that, we (players who came to eat) went to a MacDonald drive through, to get some desert. Since we were too many, we were underway with two cars. We got some MacFlurry and then ate next to each other in the cars.
Once Daniel was finished, he asked us, if he should throw his finished-trash into their car. To which I jokingly replied with “yes”. And little did I know: Somewhat drunk Daniel actually did it. Fucking funny. Not gonna lie. But also silly. but funny.
After doing that like 3 times, we then went home again.
Home Again
Once at home, I watched some YouTube, and now I’m writing (to) you. So that’s all for today. I’ll see you again tomorrow! Bye-Bye!