My Day
Today was another day, on which not a lot has happened. I did basically the same as yesterday. Study and watch YouTube.
Yesterday, I told you, that I would not open YouTube until I did all the things on this list. And now, it’s judgement day. I did not exactly do, what I told, I’d do… BUT I did most things (missed 4/10). And over the whole day, I did even more (missed only 1/10). I even read some more ODE lectures, so now I only have to do one more lecture, and then I’m done. How exciting!
In the evening, my brother came back from the army, and he told us some funny stories about this week. He also showed me a kind of bondage, you use, when you lose a lot of blood. (For example after losing a leg.) And by “showing me”, I mean, he put it on me. And I gotta say, it’s not really comfortable (WHAAAA?!).
Otherwise, not a lot happened today.
1 Monthary
Today, is the last of January, which means, that now, I’ve written my diary for a whole month. So it’s a little reflection time:
How do I feel about it?
I pretty much like it. Through this daily “what happened today” moment in the evening, I realized, that I do more than I expected. Obviously, this week, was not so much the case, since I pretty much only studied but the other weeks were not really like that.
I feel like, this also motivates me a little, to do more things, which also cannot be too bad.
I also think a lot, that after this year, I’m gonna get it printed. So I’d have a print version of my diary, which would be kinda nice.
Also, I’m often surprised about how much I can write. Nearly everyday I think: “Do I even have things to say about today?”, but then, I can write so much. (Which makes sense in a way, since I also talk quite a lot haha) But yeah, I like it!
What’s the worst part about it?
It takes more time than I expected. Usually it takes 30-45 minutes to write one entry. Usually, I proof-read it, so this then takes some time. But lately, I’ve been doing this less. The reason for that being, that I feel like my texts have gotten better -> less proof-reading needed, and sometimes I also am just lazy.
A second point is also, I don’t particularly like the design of the blog. But I’ve told you already about that. I think, I’ll change it (or at least some part), once I’m done with my exams.
And a third but last thing is: I don’t think, it’s very interesting to read. As well, it’s not really that easy to approach, especially nowadays since there aren’t as much pictures, AND more importantly, it’s just a lot of text. Who reads this nowadays?
I don’t know exactly how I can “fix” this, or even, if it can be “fixed”… But we’ll see. I’ve recently installed the site-kit by Google, which tracks the traffic of the webpage. I wonder already, if any, or how much traffic I get.
That’s all for today. I’ll see you tomorrow! Bye-Bye!