
  • Dear Diary! I don’t know, how to start a day in the diary. So for now, I just do it with a plain old “Dear Diary”. Maybe, someday I’ll find something better. I sure hope I do!

    My Day

    Anyway. What’s happened today? Nothing much. I woke up, ate, and started to learn. Also, yesterday I felt kinda down, so I didn’t feel like writing with my friends – or anyone else for that matter. This also meant, that today I had lots of messages to answer.

    Kitchen Stories

    Today, I wanted to cook a Lasagna. (I have to cook like once a week as chores for my family.) I prepared, as I usually do, and took some meat out of the freezer. And wouldn’t you know it? Already the first problem. Not enough meat. Given that it’s the 2nd of January, almost every store is closed (since it’s a holiday where I live). What a nuisance. Now I had to go an extra mile just for a little more meat… At least I could go with my brother. Shared sorrow is half sorrow – I guess(?).We arrived at the store, entered and took a good look at the meat-section. Shit! No ground beef here. What do we do now? Turns out, they had meatballs. It’s not the best, but better than no meat at all. Well then: Meatballs, it is.

    Later in the afternoon, I started with cooking with my sister. We made a deal, that if she helped me with the Béchamel sauce, I’d make the rest of the Lasagna. While she started on the Béchamel, I was cutting onions, carrots and then started with the Bolognese. I smashed the meatballs, so there were no meatballs in the sauce, but yeah. More damage control than anything else. It’s definitely not the best combo, I tell you that. 30-45 minutes later, both sauces were finished and ready to be packed.

    Now we gotta layer the Lasagna, put it in the oven, and then eat; finally. We only need some Lasagna pasta (the hard part between the layers). OH NO. It’s a disaster. We searched everywhere, but there were none… What do we do now?

    On a separate, but unrelated note: It turns out, Spaghetti with 2 sauces is also pretty nice. It’s almost like a real Lasagna. But you can’t always have what you want; C’est la vie

    Well. I guess I’m not going to be a Chef. Eh – not too sad about that. I have better qualities anyway

    That’s it for today. Sadly, I don’t have more to tell you. But I’ll see you tomorrow. Good night!

  • Dear diary – Woah! Already 2025. Time’s flying by. I remember it, as if it were just yesterday. The time struck 00:00 and I landed from my new years jump, in order to not fall in-between the years. Wouldn’t want this to happen. Phew! First success already in the first second. How could it go any better?!

    My day

    I got home at 5am – which is wayyy too late for my taste. But what can you do? There’s only one new year each year…

    So, 11:30am, I woke up with a dry mouth, my head hurt and a I’m feeling a little nauseous. Eh – shit happens… I get up for lunch. I eat a piece of bred with some honey. At least some energy for the day.

    After lunch, I watched some episodes of “The Mentalist”. It’s quite amusing. I realized, that the writer of the show must have something against rich people. At least in season 1, every rich person is just some arrogant jerk. To be fair tough, I don’t really have rich friends – or for that matter, know rich people – so maybe rich people are like that? Still, I thought it was kind of amusing…

    This afternoon, I was starving. At least I felt like I was. On the upside, my mother was cooking a meatloaf, so I didn’t want to fill my stomach with anything else, so I could eat more meatloaf.
    Then, (like most of the time, when I’m really hungry) I started to think about Neanderthals. Rather about their eating habits. Because imagine this:

    The year is 10’000 b.c. You are on the hunt with the boys. Everyone is starving. You know what it’s like! Hangry! Everyone is hangry. Understandably so. Then, suddenly, it appears. The Mammoth you all have been waiting for. It’s huge.
    You think to yourself: “This is so much meat!” But then you actually have to fight it, with some sticks(?) and whatever they had as weapons back then. I don’t know… a stone knife(?).

    Then realization struck. I’m so glad, that it’s not the olden days, and we have stores, with loads of food.

    Anyway. After dinner, my head still hurt a little bit, but with every passing hour, the pain lessens. I, once again, watch some episodes of “The Mentalist”. (today I watched season 1, episode 11 -> end of season).
    Wouldn’t you believe it? but Jane solves almost every case. Except the Red John ones – but we all know already how this i will end. So, it’s no biggy…
    Then, I finally convinced myself, and I started to repeat some definitions from my studies. For now, I know them all! YEAH! At least something good today.

    But now it’s late in the night. Time to go to sleep!


    Goals for 2025

    Just as every (most) normal persons, I made some new years resolutions. Let’s get straight to it!

    1. Go to the gym for at least 2 times a week (better 3)
    2. Daily diary entries
    3. No failed exams at my university
    4. Don’t gamble too much on stocks/ crpyto

    For now, that’s it. Now, these are neither the most nor the hardest, but I think, they’ll work just fine.


    Silly predictions

    I thought, it’d be funny to make some predictions for 2025. BUT, I don’t read the news, so I have no clue what’s going on in the world. There’s still one prediction I have.

    • Bitcoin crashes this year November

    I had some intense research. Mhm.

    Notice the pattern! Every 4 years. I tell ya.

    *Yawn* Time to go to bed, for real!

  • Part 1 – Idea

    Where did this idea come from? Well, I always thought, it’s kinda cool to have a diary but I never did write one… Also i have the hope, that when I have this site, I also use it. So in some sense this is also my motivation to keep writing in my diary.

    But then comes the next problem. How do I find a fitting name? I basically had no Idea. This is not my strength – coming up with good names. So I did what everyone does in 2024. I asked ChatGPT. Then with some cooperation we figured it out.

    The Journicle

    as a mixture of Journal and Chronicles. So that sounds deep, but upon closer inspection doesn’t really mean any more than diary. Eh, whatever.

    Now, I know from myself, that I don’t have the most interesting life. But I guess we’re gonna figure out, how it’s gonna work…

    Part 2 – Website creation

    At first, I thought, I’d host the website myself with a raspberry pi because, you know. Self hosting is good, and cheaper, and I can change all by myself. But then I thought about it some more, and then I figured it’s more work, probably works worse, I don’t have a raspberry pi (so I would have to buy one), and so on and so forth. Point being: it’s probably easier and cheaper, if I just searched for an online host, and use it like this.

    After some searching I stumbled upon Namecheap, which I then used to buy and set up my Website. The whole buying process was easy, and like 2 hours after buying my site was up and running. (It takes some time for the domain to register.)

    I’m using WordPress as a basis (since it’s open source, and I somewhat know how to code).

    The next part is, setting all up. Now this was, to my surprise, easy but also a lot to do. Nonetheless I made it, and it turned out not too bad. So yeah, we did it!

    Part 3 – plans for this diary


    I’m not finished as of yet with the design for this page. I am going to implement it in about a month (middle of February). I hope this is will turn out good. My plan is as follows:

    Main page design idea

    And then you can swipe yourself through the pages of this book. Technically this book will then be written backwards, but who cares. Implement first, fix later.

    Rules for myself

    The rules are quite simple

    • a new entry (about) every day
    • I’m not allowed to change past entries

    That’s about it.

    What to expect?

    I’m currently studying at a university, and I have some exams in like a month. Therefore in the beginning I won’t be writing a lot (well – long texts I mean) and also not too interesting stuff. Since most days I will be learning for my exams.

    I don’t know when, but I’m definitely going to read Tao Te Ching by Stephen Mitchell. I’m planning on about every third day one poem, and then “analyzing” it. But beware. I’m not a language major, and was never really good at it. So you may have the worst analysis you’ve ever read.

    Also my native language is not English, so you’ll probably find a lot of mistakes in my texts. But as long as it’s understandable, that’s aight.